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Zach's P.O.V.

Zach, Eddie, Brent, and Ryan waited at the studio for everyone to arrive a few days later, an evening - Drew, and those who ruined their careers. Ryan was the only one standing - which usually seemed to be the case - and he looked as if he was ready to say something important to him.

"What's up, Ryan? You've been anxious all day but haven't said anything." Zach asked, impatient for him to spit out whatever it was. He ended up sounding far too harsh, but he sincerely hoped that whatever came out of Ryan's mouth wasn't government related. Or, even worse, dealing with the corrupt industry.

Zach, as they all knew, was close to quitting - any time he had with Lynn was bliss and he couldn't stand to miss more of it. But Ryan was holding on and for poor Ramona's sake, Zach wanted him to go home. It was for Ryan's sake, too, of course, but he hadn't spoken to Ramona in weeks and Lynn mentioned several times she wasn't doing so great.

He had an odd care for Ramona - he wasn't sure what it was, but since he first laid eyes on her, he felt she was important, that she was someone to protect if Ryan couldn't. Maybe it was the helplessness her ex left her in that day, but it was still a strong need. In fact, he wanted to get to know her more, as he knew very little from the few times they spoke directly, but it was, perhaps, his job to help her as best he could. He was helping her and Ryan if Ryan could just leave. Music was no longer music, not in this place.

"I've been working on something." Ryan said.

"The track we talked about once?" Eddie asked, stopping the clicking of his lighter. They all looked long at Ryan after this.

"Yeah,'s more than that. I trashed the one we did here and I made part of one on my own. All we need to do is add to it, and that requires you guys."

There was a silence. He trashed it? It was a good track. It was music. Brent said what Zach was thinking.

"You trashed it? Why?"

"It was a good track, Ryan." Zach added. Ryan shook his head.

"I---I didn't trash it, I still have it, but we aren't using that one. I did another one, it's..."

The silence was longer this time and Zach wanted to know what the hell Ryan was going to say. He trashed the good track they made and all of a sudden, he up and wrote and produced his own. Ryan never did that without good reason, and he always told them beforehand. So why was he now pacing and looking around the room anxiously?

"It's what, Ryan?" Brent inquired. He sounded mad, though. Or at least a little irritated, and this wasn't often.

"It's anti-government." Ryan blurted. He was facing the opposite wall from them and pinching his nose with both hands. He spoke as if he was ashamed, and Zach was unsure if he agreed with that. Maybe he should be ashamed, Zach thought, He could get in big trouble. As if he wasn't already with the other song.

"Anti-government? Are you serious?" Brent raised his voice. Ryan shook his head and did not look back at them.

"Ryan, what are you thinking?" Zach asked him. Ryan shook his head again, and Zach heard him mutter, "I don't know, I thought maybe it would...make a difference."

"Yeah, you're damn right it's gonna make a difference! You're gonna be dead if officials find that! Destroy it when you get home!"

Ryan turned around finally, looking at Zach only. His eyes were a mix of angry and desperate.

"I won't destroy it. I want you guys to come over and hear it."

None of them knew what to say. At least for a few minutes. After some of the silence, Ryan turned back around and continued to pace the room, but slower and more pensive than before.

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