Give Me Hope

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Johana's P.O.V.

Johana was eternally grateful for the things Addie and Brent had done for her over the past two months. It was already mid-April and it seemed like just yesterday winter came to an end and Johana was getting a crown tattooed on her wrist. Just a week before sitting at the tattoo parlor, Addie helped her change her address the same way she'd done it, at Brent's - and now Addie's, as well - home. For if Johana did not go through with changing her address, what they based the brands off of, it would be likely that one of these Cleansings would come and wipe her out as a middle class citizen.

Yet here she was safe, and it was a cozy enough place to live in. Addie and Brent were people who also loved the outdoors, so the whole house had a fresh air to it that spelled nature.

As of recently, she and Addie weren't often home due to spending their time at Ryan's place caring for Ramona. Yet yesterday and today they decided to take the days off and let Lynn, who had no objection to it, tend to their friend. Addie felt worse than Johana did about leaving it to Lynn, but Johana personally liked the time off. She cared for Ramona much, of course, and felt her heart ache in a similar way as to when they were in high school. But Ramona was getting better and not only did she need space, Johana needed some too.

Ramona wasn't the only one who was getting better, either. The situation with the guys staying so late at the studio was patching itself up - or rather, the guys were patching it up. They got home earlier and earlier, sometimes even while the sun was setting. That was the case tonight, and both Addie and Johana thought the clocks were set wrong when Brent walked in the door at six that evening. The sun wasn't even setting, it was still up.

Brent had been mildly irate lately, too, likely because they were now forced to break rules and on the brink of losing their jobs. But Addie, who excitedly flung herself off the couch into Brent's arms, seemed to have no problem.

"It's hardly after six," She exclaimed, "Why are you home?"

She pulled away to look up at Brent's face, which was pressed into an odd combination of stress and relief.

"As soon as we're done, we leave."

"That's against the rules!"

"Addie, we've been leaving early for a week now, why are you so shocked?"

"The sun is up and you're home, I'm concerned! You'll all lose your jobs!"

"I'm starting not to mind much anymore."

This time Johana cut in, "Yeah, but even I know Ryan minds."

"That's his problem," Brent shrugged his jacket off while he looked at Johana with raised eyebrows.

"The rest of us agree that we're ready to leave. As soon as they make another rule trying to keep us away from home, we're signing our resignation forms."

Johana and Addie were left gaping. After all, how often was it that Brent got this mad? He was close to ranting like a mad man.

"As a matter of fact, I'm surprised Zach hasn't already. I think he might only be holding on for Ryan, and sticking around to convince him to leave."

"Is that what you've all been doing behind his back then? Plotting to leave and trying to persuade him to go with you?" Addie asked. Johana watched from the couch as she saw a fight coming to the surface.

Brent, however, didn't reply, and moved himself into the kitchen. Addie let out a sound of exasperation and followed him. Johana, without getting off the couch, moved closer to the door to listen. Old habits die hard.

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