In Her Cocoon

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Ryan's P.O.V.

The waves crashing on the gleaming, golden shore made better music to Ryan's ears than anything the government could make him do.

He was sitting on one of the benches at the beach, at sundown, taking in the sights and sounds and smells. It was paradise when it was put together, and the only thing that would make the moment better would be Ramona by his side. But Ryan made the most of what he had.

The wind went through his hair as smoothly as the stress left his body, for once in a very long time. He couldn't remember the last time he felt so calm. So good. He didn't smell fear and blood for once, he smelled the refreshing salty sea and fresh air. There was hardly a beauty in this new life such as this one; golden dust was hit by white sea foam, and beyond it were beautiful shades of blue; the sky was bursting with colors that made him feel alive. It was truly a paradise, and one he did not want to leave.

Alas, Ryan had to. Because the one thing more beautiful than the lovely coast at sunset was the soon-to-be-Mrs. Tedder. The very woman who needed him much at this time, because her wings were breaking and Ryan had to help her fly again.

Ryan stepped out of the idyll that so enticed his heart, and went home as soon as he could, knowing well that time with his fiancee was precious and quite dear to him. When he stepped inside his home, he saw Ramona in the living room watching TV, slender legs tucked into her chest and her arms wrapped around them. She didn't even glance his way upon his entering.

"Hey." He greeted her. Ramona's eyes finally flickered over for a moment, as he could see in the blue-ish light of the television screen, but she did not say a thing. Her eyes went back to where they were. Ryan sighed a bit, moving to sit by her.

"Are you okay?"

He peered closely at her, knowing she'd likely make gestures before she gave a word.

Ramona nodded. Ryan knew she was lying, but knew it best to try to change the subject away from her and how she was feeling, despite his desires to know.

"...How was your day?" He asked hesitantly.

Ramona shrugged, however. Ryan had no idea what to say next. He simply wanted her to talk to him at this point, but it could've just been the same as what she told him that morning, before he went to the studio. He'd told her to let him in, open up, and she consequently explained to him the emptiness she felt because of the depression, and that there was no real reason for her mood most of the time.

Maybe if he told her about his day. It wasn't about her feelings. Maybe that would help.

"I went to the beach today, after work. You were on my mind... I think you would've enjoyed the serenity of it all."

Ramona looked over at him. There was something more in her eyes, and Ryan hoped not talking about her was helping.

"Yeah?" She weakly replied. Ryan nodded back.

"It was pretty, the different colors in the sky and the ocean. And the breeze felt nice. It smelled like something other than the fear around us everywhere else. It was the first time in a long time I haven't felt stressed."

Ramona nodded again, and looked like she was about to say something just as she did last night, but didn't go through with it. She turned back to the TV, but something about her told him she was never really watching it in the first place.

"Maybe we should go at sunset tomorrow, you and me. It is nice." Ryan told her. Ramona gave another small movement of her head, and Ryan swallowed hard as he felt her putting up her walls again. She was fine this morning. He wanted her to be as fine now.

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