"Just got home from work. Wanted to check up on you." He replies and I watch as I see his phone shifts a little as he sits down on the bed.

"I'm good." I nod. "How was my dad today?"

"Busy with work but he seems to be holding up." He replies, reaching a hand up to his neck to losen his tie.

"Did you catch any bad guys today?"

"No, luckily today was calming. Normally when they call us lately there has been a murder so it's good that things have stopped."

I bite my lip and despite of my debate of asking the question I do anyways.

"Why do you do it Harry?"

"Do what?"

"Your job." I specify. "I mean your off your anklet now. Why did you stay? What makes you feel obligated that you have to find The Sinister?

Harry eyes shift downward as he bites his lips into a line in thought.

"Because someone has to." Harry shrugs his eyes soft.

His response makes me feel in awe of him, so proud that he cares so much and that he is trying to be a better man, but for some reason I have a gut feeling that there is something more. However, I don't press on the subject further because I feel like this is something that has to be spoken about in person so instead we exchanged our love and goodbyes for the night.

As much as I try to sleep I can't. My head is whirling with ideas of what my dad could be doing right now and how alone he must feel in that huge house. I should be there for him just like he has for me.

I sigh while closing my eyes feeling a headache coming on. Shifting, I roll onto my side and curl up into a ball determining myself to get some sleep because tomorrow I have an early call.

After waking up at five a.m the rest of the morning luckily swooped by. I had a few meetings with Lancôme talking about the next campaign and releases and now I'm at the airport waiting for my flight to California to be called. It's about two in the afternoon and I am starting to feel the lack of sleep from last night starting to crash over me. The only thing that I feel that is pushing me to move on is that if I get through this day it's another day closer to being back home. If my dad has been able to push through so many obstacles for me then so can I.

The sun in Los Angeles brighten up my stressful mood, also the two hour nap I took before coming to my shoot. I am doing a collaboration with an upcoming clothing line that is all about showing that every body shape is beautiful and owning your quirks.

So far, I have already worn three different outfits. Right now, I am wearing a black bralette with matching panties and an white shirt hanging open over my body.

"Okay Ryder, now that all the photos have been taken for the ads I would please like you to go over to this side of the studio please." Taylor, the photo director, instructed me as she lead me over to the far right corner.

The area was still surrounded with white studio lights but the wall was decorated as if it belonged in a cozy apartment, with a few potted green plants on the right and a small clothes rack, filled with a few outfits on the left.

"This is for the small video ad. It will just be a small montage of you dancing." Taylor says looking at me with bright green eyes, while talking with her hands. "So we will record you dancing in a few more outfits and in the end we will edit and mash it all together."

"Sounds like fun." I state, which was true. I feel like I need to find a way to just let loose and distract my mind, dancing seems like the perfect fit.

Enticing (Harry Styles AU) #Wattys2016Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon