Truth or Dare

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"So" Angela said once Hodgins came back from the kitchen. "I think that we should spin the bottle and whoever it lands on has to ask a truth or dare to anyone." She smiled devilishly and looked around. "(Y/N) any beer bottles or wine?" I stood up and walked into my kitchen. "I have a wine bottle" I said taking out an empty wine bottle. I sat back down next to Zack and placed the wine bottle on the coffee table. "Alight I'll spin first" Hodgins said reaching for the bottle.

He spin it and it landed on me. "Oh this should be a good one" booth said. We laughed a bit and looked towards Hodgins. "Truth or dare" he said. I laughed. "Truth"

"Are you a virgin (Y/N)?" Blood rushed to my cheeks and I didn't have to look at Zack to know he had the same expression as me. "Well obviously she's not" Lance said. "Why?" Brennan said at him.

"Well from what was read in the case file she was raped as a child. That makes it so she's not a virgin" he said. I lowered my head and left the room before crying in front of everyone. On my way out I heard Lance try and get up but Zack sit him back down. I know what he was about to do.

On our way home Zack and I had a conversation. We talked about the fact that I was raped as a child and how I'm physically was not a virgin, but I explained that I didn't count those as sex or loosing my virginity. That was being violated and assaulted. I saw myself as a virgin until I had complete consent. And the only time I've ever consented to sex...was with Zack.

I sat on my bed and tears rolled down my face. I never mentioned any of this to them because I didn't feel the need to cause more stress for myself. I heard my door open and turned to see Lance. "(Y/N) I'm so sorry I didn't know-" I cut him off by standing up and turning to him. "It's fine. Let's just go back and play the game" he nodded and I walked briskly past him.

I walked back in to see an annoyed Hodgins and Angela. I could tell that Zack was close to punching Lance. I sat back down and sighed. "Let's keep playing" I said. I reached for the bottle and it spun until it landed on Angela.

"Truth or dare ang" I said. She looked around a laughed a bit. "Dare"

"Close your eyes, go to the fridge, and whatever you grab you have to eat" she got up and walked towards the kitchen. I stood and walked after her. I giggled and put my eyes over her eyes as she opened the fridge door. Her hand wandered for a few seconds until her hand landed on stick of butter. I laughed and covered my mouth, causing me to move my hand and Angela to see what she was doomed to eat. I ran into the living room laughing and she followed me. "Guys I'm not eating a stick of butter"

"It's the rules...right?" Zack said looking towards me. I nodded and I looked towards Hodgins. "Go on Hodgins make your girlfriend eat a stick of butter." I laughed. "Fine!" Angela said walking to her seat.

She reached for the bottle and spun it. "Oh!" She said as it landed on Booth. "I have the best idea. Okay booth truth or dare." "Dare" he said.

"I dare you to take all of us on a weekend long trip to New York" she smiled. "Woah ang don't you think that's a bit extreme?" He said. I looked at him. "I would actually love a trip back to New York. I get homesick" Zack put his arm around me and I rested my head on his shoulder. "I think it's a wonderful idea" Zack said. "I'd actually like to meet your family" Angela said. "Wanna know the people who raised this" she said gesturing to me. I laughed.

"I actually think we should do it" Brennan said. We looked at her with a surprised face but she talking. "We all have been under a lot of stress lately and a trip to the city sounds like a great idea." I smiled to myself.

"Are we actually doing this? Are we actually going to New York?" I said. "I'll call Cam later to tell her we are going to be taking a couple days off of work" Angela said picking up her phone. "So if we take a flight on Tuesday, tomorrow morning, at 8:30 we should get to New York City at 9:50 the same morning." Hodgins said looking at his phone. "When would the flight back be?" Zack said. "If we wanted to be there a few days..say from Tuesday to Sunday, the flight back would be at 8:30 that morning, same time back" Zack nodded and looked at me. "We could book a hotel room. Hodgins and Angela can share, you and I can share, and...." he turned his head towards Booth and Brennan. "I guess we will share if necessary" Brennan said. I nodded. We are actually doing this.

"Well I will call my mom and tell her that we are going to be at the airport and for her to bring the van." I said. They all smiled at me and I felt a smile form across my face. "I'm so excited" I giggled. Suddenly we heard the doorbell ring and I quickly walked to the door. I looked behind me before opening the door to see Booth had one hand on his gun. I opened the door and there stood the pizza guy.

"Uh that'll be $10" he said, loudly chewing on his gum. From his appearance we could tell that he was around 17 years old. I took out 13 bucks and gave it to him. He handed me the pizzas. I walked over to the coffee table after put down the pizzas. "So who's next" I said. I went to the kitchen and pulled out some plates. "(Y/N) after this I think we should go home. If we are going to get on a flight tomorrow we should pack" I heard Angela yell from the living room. I walked back into the living room and sat back down next to Zack. "Sounds like a good idea" I said.

We eat our pizza and soon Booth stood up. "I think it's time to go home and pack" everyone joined him and they made their way to the front door. "I'll see you guys tomorrow morning" I said as they left. I turned around after they left to see Zack standing in my bedroom doorway. "I guess I should go home" he said. "One second" I said. I walked towards him and pulled him closely. "I love you" I whispered as I wrapped my arms around his neck, burying my head in the crook of his neck.

He lowered his head, burying his head in my neck as well. "I love you too" he mumbled, wrapping his arms tightly around my waist.

I loosened my grip and pulled away my head from his neck. I kissed him passionately, and he placed his hand on the back of my neck.

He pulled away and smiled at me. "I can't explain how happy you make me" he said. I giggled and hugged him again.

"I should go" he said walking towards the front door. "I will see you tomorrow morning" he said as he put on his coat. "Do you want me to pick you up say, around  7?" He opened the door. "Sure" I smiled. He pecked my lips quickly and I watched as he made his way down the stairs.

I should go pack. I made my way to my bedroom and pulled out my suitcase. Im going to New York City!

A/N- I'm so sorry I didn't update yesterday, I was busy with a few friends and the cast list for Footloose came out today. I'm Rens mother, Ethel which is awesome! I'll update tomorrow too. I'm basing the next chapter on New York City cause I was recently there!

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