Welcome to the Jeffresonian

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Episode- Season 1, episode 9. The man in the fallout shelter

Pt 1

*your POV*

Being a forensic anthropologist was tough work but it all payed off when i recieved a letter from Dr. Temprence Brennan saying i was hired for a job at the Jefferonian.

I had started work on the most terrible day possible. The day before Christmas Eve. The day was easy enough.

It was near the end of the day when i was walking with Brennan to the platform, Angela following us. "Sweetie!" Angela yelled at Brennan. "I dont want to Angela" she snapped back. Angela was trying to convince her to go to the Christmas party with everyone. "You come too (Y/N)! Your new and we all like you. Could be a fun way for us all to know eachother!" Brennan looked at me with a look that said dont you dare. I kept walking with Brennan. As they kept talking, i zoned them out, analyzing the skull set on the table in front of me. I caught bits and pieces of their conversation. Mentions of photocopies of Angelas butt and the words "Secret Satan" made its ways to my ears. I broke out of my haze when i heard Booth yell loudly. He continued to mention that he has a body he wants Brennan to identify. They then brought the body in. "Booth will you please escort Angela to the Christmas party and make sure she doesnt photo copy her butt?" She said. "(y/n) will stay here with me and help me identify the body. We will meet you there in a few minutes"

Later on, everyone was working on the body, much to the displeasment of Angela who really really wanted to go to that Christmas party. "You" she said pointing to booth. "You are going to kiss me under the mistletoe. On the lips" she then spun around to face Hodgins and Zack who were on the walkway above. "Maybe even you two also." And then turned to me and Brennan. "And maybe even you two. In a non-lesbian matter" i chuckled to myself.

We were all talking when we heard alarms go off. "What- what was that?" I said franticaly. Suddenly the doors close, booth running into them as they closed. I looked around and saw Hodgins and Zack walk into the room in...towels. Dayum.

We were all gathered in a lounge talking to someone on the moniter. We were all sitting around. I had sat on the couch, and apparently the almost naked Zack and Hodgins decided to sit. Right next to me. The man on screen started talking. "The pathogen is coccidioidomycosis." "Valley Fever?" I said. "It was located in Mr. Addys station" i looked over at Zack and he had a annoyed face. He must be pissed at Hodgins. Booth spoke up. "Hold on. Whats valley fever?" "Its a fungus that can lead to pneumonia, meningitis, spontaneous abortion, and even death" i finished. Everyone looked at me. "Is he contagious?" Booth said. "Yes mr. Hodgins may have inhaled the spores" "well it must suck to be hodgins right now but we didnt inhale the spores so we can go, right?" Booth questioned. I spoke up. "Dr. Hodgins may have exhaled the spores all over us." The man on the monitor spoke up. "We must impose quarantine. Valley Fever can be fatal and we cant risk a pademic. Merry Christmas" he then turned off the moniter leaving us all to eachother. "You know what? If this is fatal im going to shoot both of you" booth said pointing to Hodgins and Zack. "Maybe you guys could go get dressed" Angela spoke up. They agreed and got up to go change.

"It will take a few days to get the test results back." The man in the hasmat suit said" "A few DAYS?!" Booth yelled. "So we are stuck here for Christmas?" I said quietly. Almost quiet enough for noone to hear. But i did see Zacks head turn to my direction. I didnt dare look at his face.

*later that night*
Brennan was on the platform. Booth was stoned. Goodman was off somewhere along with Hodgins, Angela, and Zack. I was laying by myself in a room. On my own. I dont know anyone barely and it was very awkward to have to spend Christmas with them. I decided to sleep in a room by myself.

Laying there, I started to think about everyone i had met that day. Angela was nice. Very sarcastic and funny. Hodgins was very smart. Started rambling on about bugs when i first met him. Brennan was very factual, no room for nonsense in her mind. Booth didnt really even aknowled i was there. Heard him call me a squint. I dont know if thats an insult or not but im afraid to ask. Goodman, well was goodman. Then there was Zack. He was extremely smart. He was just like Brennan but a tad more of... well a human. Dont get me wrong. He has no social skills and cant hold a normal conversation. I guess he is cute though. He actually hasnt even talked to me. Whenever i go to, he ignores me. I feel like we could be great friends and great partners. Only if he would talk to me.

Ive been laying in one spot for hours. Im glad i packed what i did for my first day. Phone charger. Phone. Earbuds. I just wish i had brought pajamas. But you know. I didnt plan on being quarantined in the lab on my first day. Especially for Christmas. I started thinking about what zack said. First protocol of Valley Fever is an extremely painful injection to the base of the brain.

*in the morning*
We all ate breakfast together in a small lounge room. "So (y/n) since we are all stuck here for god knows when why dont we get to know you better?" Hodgins said, taking me by suprise. I looked up from my lap and saw everyone staring at me.

"Well my full name is (f/n) (m/n) (l/n). I was born in New York. I was a foster child for my whole life, never knew my parents" i stopped for a second to think. I looked up again and saw everyone was giving small glances to Brennan. "I have a brother, Lance. Hes my biological brother. We were separated at birth, i met him after he finally tracked me down. I had always wanted to do something with anatomy. I originally wanted to be a nurse but then i found anthropology and here i am." I finished my story seeing teary eyes. "Whats wrong?" I said. "I was also in the foster system" brennan spoke up. "Really?" I said. "Yea. My parents left me when i was young. My brother abandoned me and i was in the system till my granparents got me out" she finished her story, almost crying.

"So what should we do for Christmas?" I said trying to break the ice. "Well..." Angela started. "I was thinking we could do a secret santa. We all put our names in a hat. We pick our own name, we put it back in and pick another." That actually sounds like a good idea! We all put our hands in the hat angela had brought out with our names inside. I was afraid, knowing that not only I didnt know anyone well, not everyone knew me well. I put my hand it, and pulled out a name. What do ya know. Zack.

I was bored. Really bored. I had helped brennan with the body in the fallout shelter, and had stayed to help until she said she wanted time alone to examine on her own. I decided it would be a good time to listen to some music while walking around the Jefferonian. I put in my earbuds, and started to play Bohemian Rhapsody. Softly singing to myself i walked aimlessly anywhere i could go. Soon before i knew it, i was belting the lyrics loudly, forgetting what was going on around me.

I was startled by a cough. I quickly turned around and saw who it was. "Oh hello Zack" i said, trying to act normal. "Hello (y/n)" he said. I saw he looked red. "Are you okay? Your face is red." I said walking towards him. "Yes im fine its just the lab is warm. The heaters having been broken. They are stuck." He finished what he was saying. Before i could say anything he began again. "I wanted to talk to you. You seemed very upset earlier and I thought that you would want to talk about it." Wow. He seemed considerate. "Or if you dont want to talk about that we could talk about anything. I dont really connect much with people and have trouble keeping a conversation. You seem like a smart girl who can match my intelligence level and can appreciate my knowledge. And I appreciate yours" "im going to summ up what you said. So you want to be friends?" I said. "Yes. Friends."

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