The backseat

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I sat in my seat, looking at my watch. I watched as the seconds ticked by. We had 8 hours left.

"(Y/N)" I heard Zack say. "Yes Zack?" I looked up at him. He turned his head towards me. "This may be the last hours of our lives" I nodded my head slightly at his statement. "What would you like to talk about?" I said. I knew Zack wasn't much of a talker when we first met but over the months we had grown closer and he had become more open with me.

"I'd like to know you better" I added on to my question. "Well what would you like to know"

"Your life story" I said joking. He didn't take it as a joke.

"I grew up a Lutheran as you know. I have 3 brothers and 4 sisters. I graduated College at 16 years old. I was bullied by my classmates in highschool and I'm still emotionally scarred. I've been working on two doctorates. Forensic Anthropology and Applied Engineering. I live in the apartment above Hodgins garage and carpool with him because I cannot drive or ride a bike. I've been in a total of 4 relationships. The first when I was 14. The next when I was 17. Then when I was 18. My most recent one was a few months ago and lasted a week. Each one told me the same thing. I'm too blunt and too realistic. I don't see the fault in being a realist and accepting true facts. My life is my own and I choose to see it the way I feel. I've only ever had 2 people accept that of me. My mother and you" he finished and I looked at him speechless. I've admired his intelligence and his opinions on life. "I'm glad that you are so open with me" I said

"I don't know why it's so easy to be open with you. You listen so well and seem interested in what I have to say." He smiled at me and I saw honesty in his eyes. I smiled back. "I feel the same way"

-----------time skip--------------------

I lay down in the back of the car, resting my head on zacks lap. When I had originally lied down he was hesitant but decided why not. We had about 6 hour left. I had my eyes closed and started dozing off a bit. As I was dozing, I felt a hand softly touch my head. I didn't do anything, deciding to let this play out. I felt Zacks hand softly and stroke my hair. I felt my cheeks redden as I felt his soft hands on my forehead. He must have thought I was asleep because he started speaking.

"I know you can't hear me. And I don't know if I'm going to tell you this when you are awake but I have very strong feelings towards you. I bounce between exhilaration, euphoria, increased energy, sleeplessness, loss of appetite, trembling, a racing heart and accelerated breathing. The way you squint with a slight tilt of your head when you are examining something is adorable. I can't stop thinking about you. I care about you and it breaks my heart that you have to endure this. I love spending time with you and when I look into my future all I see is you" as he finished I didn't dare open my eyes afraid to let him him know I heard everything.

I had to admit, I shared the same feelings as Zack. I had trouble explaining my feelings and I had strong ones for him. Every time I saw him I couldn't stop thinking about how cute and smart he was. No one understood me until I met Zack. No one understood Zack until I came along.

I'd decided on how I want to spend my last few hours.

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