The date

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Need to warn you. Slight smut. Nothing too serious. It's at the end of the chapter so please please read everything beforehand.

-7 that night-
"So what exactly should I wear" I said, on the phone with my boyfriend Zack. "Something fancy" he said. I giggled. "Zachary Addy what do you have planned for me"

"I'm going to pick you up in 15 minutes. That sound good?" He said. "Awesome"

I hung up my phone and looked in my closet. I finally picked out

 I finally picked out

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(I made this myself)

I did my makeup, put my hair in a messy but tidy bun and went to wait by my front door. I suddenly heard knocking on my door. I opened it and saw Zack, in a fancy tux. "Oh wow" you both said in unison, looking at eachother. You giggled and he walked in. "You look amazing" he said admiring me. "I should say the same about you" I said.

"So what are we doing?" I said as he linked his arm with mine. "Just wait and see" he said. We made our way down the stairs out to the parking lot. We got into his car and were on our way. We pulled into the parking lot of the Jeffersonian. "Zack why are we at work?" I said. He got out of the car and walked over to the passenger side of the car, opening my door. "Zack" I laughed. I stepped out of the car and straightened my dress. He took my hand and we walked up the stairs to the front of the Jeffersonian. "The Jeffersonian was rented out for a party" I looked at him. "It's a party hosted by Hodgins." "Why are we so fancy?" I said. "I don't think you know this but Hodgins is extremely rich" my mouth dropped in shock. "I didn't know that" I said.

As we walked in I saw Hodgins in a suit and Angela next to him. "Hey! You guys made it" I smiled along with Zack. "You guys can go find your table, you should be in the front row. Got a special 2 person table just for you two" Hodgins said winking. I saw Zack move a bit, seemingly uncomfortable.

We made our way to our seats and we were right in front of the large stage. We walked up to our seat. "So how did I not know about this" I said as we sat down. "Everyone else is here"

"I asked Hodgins if I could take you as a surprise" he said. That is so sweet!

Before we could talk more we heard a large AHEM from the stage. We looked up and saw Hodgins standing alone with a mic. "So today I want to thank all of you for coming. We have singer Billy Gibson here and I'm assuming you will recognize multiple familiar faces, coworkers and celebrities." He said. "First I want to talk about exactly what I do here at he Jeffersonian. I solve crimes" we all laughed. "No joke. I work closely with my girlfriend Angela, Dr. Temprence Brennan, Special Agent Seely Booth, Phycologist Lance Sweets, Dr. Camille Saroyan, Dr. Zachary Addy, and Dr. (F/N) (L/N)" I smiled as we heard laughter throughout the room.

I looked over and saw Booth was sitting with Brennan and Lance. "So I know my coworkers would like to come up and say a few words" I looked at Zack with a questioned look. He stood up with a smile and helped me out of my seat. We made our way to the stage and we all stood next to eachother.

"Hi I'm Seely Booth. I've been working with these here squints for a couple years now and all I can say is I've never seen anyone more interested in bugs" he said looking at Hodgins. We all laughed and he gave the mic to Brennan. "Hi um I'm Dr. Brennan. I've been working here for most of my career. I could not imagine where I would be working if it was not for these people" she smiled and gave the mic to Angela.

"When I first came here I was asked by my best friend Dr. Brennan to do a facial reconstruction of a skull. She eventually got me a job here and I have made more friends than I've ever wanted. Thank you sweetie" she said placing an arm on Brennan's shoulder. She passed the mic to Lance. "Hi I'm Lance Sweets. I've worked here for about a month but I already feel like family with these people. Um" he said looking towards me. "This is my sister (Y/N). We were separated at birth and put into foster homes but I contacted her when we were 18 and we have become closer than I can imagine and brother and sister could be" I smiled and laughed a bit, a tear rolling down my face. He passed the mic to Cam. "Well I don't really have much to say about these people they know I'm their boss" she said laughing. We laughed too and she handed the mic to me.

"Well uhh I didn't know I was doing this today actually. I've been working at the Jeffersonian almost a full year. It will be a full year in December. This is where I met my best friends, I work with my brother, and this is also where I met my amazing boyfriend Zack Addy who has looked out for me countless times. Thank you all for being there for me and welcoming me into your family." I smiled and handed the mic to Zack, the end of the line.

"Hi" he said. "I'm Zack Addy. I uh wanted to tell you all something. Almost a year ago I met this amazing girl who I caught singing Bohemian Raphody while we were locked into the lab throughout Christmas. When my family came to see me that Christmas Eve they told me that she looked like a good girl for me. They were right. I was kidnapped with her and we spent 12 hours waiting for death in a buried car. I confessed my feelings towards her while she was asleep but she doesn't know I knew she was awake. Before that I had secretly taken dance lessons so I could dance with her to a Beatles record I gave her for Christmas. When I am stressed" he said reaching into his pocket "I take these stones she gave me and roll them in my hands. I'm never stressed with her. She makes my anxiety go away and she makes me feel safe and more human than I've ever felt. I feel a bit guilty that I didn't say this before but..." he said turning towards me. I had been standing frozen, looking at him shock on my face.

"I love you" he said. The words I had been waiting to hear since I first met him. I walked to him quickly and hugged him. "I love you too" I said, almost in tears. We heard clapping all around the room, cheers and yelling. I pulled back my head and kissed him, and he kissed back instantly.

We made our way offstage and as I started walking towards our table I felt him grab my arm and pull me out of the room. "Zack what are you doing" I laughed. We walking into a hallway and he pinned me against the wall.

He kissed me fiercely, pressing me against the wall. I smiled against the kiss and could feel his grip on my waste tighten. Is he doing what I think?

"Zack what are you doing" I said nervously. "I was thinking maybe you and I could go back to my apartment" he said under his breathe, his lips hovering against mine. "Zack are you asking me to have sex with you" I said. "Yes" he laughed nervously.

"Zack I need to ask you something" I said. He pulled his head back and looked into my eyes. "Are you a virgin?" I said. "No" he responded. I nodded. "Looking the way you do I expected that" I laughed.

"Are you?" He said. I have to be honest right?


He kissed me forcefully, pressing me up against the wall with his body. As we began to kiss, it became heated and I went to put my hands in his hair. I ran my hands through his hair while we kissed, making it more passionate. His lips left mine and started to kiss my neck. He kissed and nipped at my neck, causing a small moan to escape my lips. I had never seen this side of him.

"I think if we are going to go any farther I think we should go to my place" he said against my neck. I nodded and we left the Jeffersonian.

As we got into his car,  he looked over at me and started to laugh. I looked at him confused. "What is it?" I said. He took his hand and rubbed it against my shoulder. I looked down and saw that he had given me a hickey. Goddamn it. "That's going to be a monster to cover with makeup" I giggled. He smiled at me, and pulled my face towards his and passionately kissed me. We separated and made our way to his apartment.

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