Im up (you all will be happy)

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I woke up in the middle of a field. People were yelling and I saw multiple ambulances and police cars. Everything was blurry and I was gasping for air. I saw agent booth and Angela above me smiling.

"Breathe (Y/N) Breathe!!" He said. I looked to my side and saw Hodgins and Brennan above Zack, giving him CPR. He wasn't moving.

"Zack?" I said faintly, realizing that he could possibly be dead. "Zack??!" I said louder. I scrambled up and went over to him. He was unconscious and I saw that Brennan and Hodgins were crying. I was crying too. I knelt down and looked at him. Brennan kept pushing on his chest and he had an air mask on. "Zack come on you can do this" I said. He wasn't waking up. I leaned over to his ear.

"Cmon Zack you can do this I believe in you. Zack you can do this do it for me" a tear slip down my face as I leaned back and looked at him. Suddenly he opened his eyes and gasped for air. All of us sighed in relief and he kept breathing.

He sat up and looked at me. Hodgins sat next to him and Brennan on his other side. Behind me were booth and Angela.

He took off his oxygen and stood up. He stepped towards me, grabbed my shirt and crashed his lips against mine. We heard gasps all around us but in that moment we didn't care. I wrapped my arms around his neck and he put one hand on my waist and one on my back. I tilted my head to deepen the kiss and he happily obliged, turning his too.

This was the happiest moment of my life. Butterflies were in my stomach and I felt as if I was floating. We pulled away and looked at each other. I smiled brightly and he returned it. 

I heard a cough come from behind me and I saw Booth with a smile on his face. I saw Angela had walked over to Hodgins and they were now fangirling. Brennan smiled brightly too. "We knew it would happen sooner or later" Brennan said. I looked at Zack. "Is it that obvious?"

I love love feedback and it makes me so happy when you guys let me know what you guys think about stuff. I will take ideas but I have some in mind. How would you guys feel about another Christmas themed chapter around Christmas? I love you guys and I would love feedback on my work. Thank you😊

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