How could you

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"What the hell is going on here"

There stood Zack. Alive. In the back of the room.

"Zack?" I said. He looked at me. I stepped down and he ran to me.

"(Y/n) thank g-" I cut him off by smacking him.

He fell to the ground.

"(Y/n) I understand that this is hard. I had to fake my death in order to help the troops kill someone. Apparently they didn't get the notification that I was actually still alive. They weren't supposed to call you. None of this was supposed to happen" he said, standing.

I marched out of the room crying. How could he have done this. Why would he fake his death and not tell me.

"(Y/n) listen I'm sorry" Zack said quickly walking behind me. We were at the Jeffersonian.

"Zack I've been bawling my eyes out for days and nights and you were alive the entire damn time. Do you understand what it's like to listen to a man over the phone tell me that my boyfriend is dead? Do you understand the pain that all of us went through? And you just show up to your own fucking funeral?"

"I'm extremely truly sorry. I never meant for any of this to happen. Please. Forgive me" he stepped forward

Before I could say anything, gunshots rang through the Jeffersonian. I heard screams and the doors to my office suddenly closed, locking instantly.

Suddenly my phone rang.

"Hello?" I said. I heard Angela's voice

"(Y/n) there's a shooter in the lab. All doors are locked and Booth is the only one with a gun. And he's been shot. You need to hide."

A/n I'm sorry it's short. We are on February break rn so I'll be able to write more this week. Wanna a sneak peak of what I look like? Comment if you do.

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