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It had been 1 week since being rescued. 6 days since I became Zacks girlfriend.

We didn't have work for a few days afterwards, and during that time Zack and I spent all of our time together. Now we were back in the lab. I guess no one had gotten the notice that Zack and I were officially dating.

Brennan had gone off to help at New Orleans, after Katrina and Zack and I were tasked with helping dr. Brennan to help identify the bodies. We were sitting in front of the computer video chatting with her when 2 men came into the room with a body. "Being wrong feels so good" one said.

The other turned and notice dr. Brennan there. "Hey..sorry dr. Brennan" "oh no it's fine." She replied. "Males often bond by exaggerating sexual conquest" The other looked at dr Brennan again. "Oh mikes not exaggerating. This girl is seriously turned on my coffins" I looked over at Zack and his face had turned red. "Mike will take her into the-" mike cut him off. "Hey-" and Zack decided to cut him off.

"Some libidos are enflamed by a proximity to death" he said. "Who's that?" Mike said. "My assistants Zack and (Y/N) back in D.C."

"Congratulations on your coffin sex" I said. Zack laughed a bit. "Oh who's this pretty little thing?" Mike said. Suddenly Zack became red. "Back off. She's mine"

I was shocked. I had never thought of Zack as the type of guy who would defend me or even call him mine.

Mike awkwardly left the room and I continued. "Some of the information you've sent for analysis seems to come from remains that have already been embalmed" I stated. "Bodies were unearthed by the flooding. They have to be I.D.'d and re buried" she said. All the while the other man in the room kept staring at me. I saw Zack staring at him anger plastered on his face. "We could fly down there and help dr. Brennan" Zack said. "A. Tomorrow is my last day and B. I'm not sure you would win in a fight with my friend here" she could tell Zack was angry.

Zack turned off the monitor and looked down at the paperwork. "Were you really that upset at that guy looking at me?" I said. "It is not polite for someone to stare at someone else who is dating someone." Zack said. Wow. Protective. Nice. Hodgins must have overheard us because him and Angela coughed behind us. "What?" Zack said.

"I didn't know it had become official" Hodgins said. He had a wide grin on his face and Angela did too. "Oh. Well it is" I said. I turned my face towards Zack. "I think I should go and wait for Dr Brennan to send those X-rays. Care to join me?" I said. Zack nodded and followed me to the office.

"I didn't know you thought of me as yours" I said nervous. I never thought anyone would think of me like that. "Of course I do. I care about you at a level that is higher than I would normally care about someone" He said. Before I could respond he took me in his arms hugging me. "I love your hugs" he said. "Me too"

I'm sorry this was boring. I just wanted to show that things were back to "normal" haha they won't be for long😈

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