Chapter #3| Danger

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Afraid to venture out alone I wanted to assist Noland hunting another deer for lunch, the alpha male made it loud and clear for me to stay inside the cave. Unable to defend myself and locate my surroundings I'll only cause trouble. Worried and afraid for my brothers I knew they're searching for me in the woods, if only I can find the dirt trail then I can return home safely.

It is unusual to find a lone alpha wolf living deep in the woods, only rogues take refuge around these areas as Noland mentioned. Afraid to ask any question to stop my curiosity I kept my shout to prevent saying something I'll regret.

"Blow out the candles, now!" Noland commanded. Confused I done what he asked, leaving the dead deer outside the cave entrance. Noland held me close to his chest and shuffle deep inside his cave, his hand covered my mouth as I see a group of rogues sniffing the area until fight against each other to eat the deer.

"Calm down" he whispers. Shifting I turning around straddling his lap, my head laid against his shoulder as he held my trembling body. One rogue lost interest of the deer and walk inside the cave, unable to control my mating scent the male rogue followed my scent trail. Instantly the rogue attacked alerting the others, eyes set on me Noland was already pinned down by four wolves.

"G-Go away!" I whimpered. Mounting over my small body, I shifted in fear as my tail hung between my legs. His teeth clamp onto my skin pulling me on all fours, he licked my leaking hole ready to take any dominant wolf. My wolf howled to Noland begging to be saved and not wanting to be mated by the rogue or any other dominant wolves. Immediately Noland broke free killing the rogue who tried to rape me.

"It's okay baby" he says kneeling beside me. I barked at Noland trying to alert him about another rogue charging at him with a knife. Stabbing him in the chest Noland killed the rest of the rogues before dropping in exhaustion and pain. My wolf barked and whimpering trying to wake the alpha male. Something is wrong, his wolf isn't healing the wound and Noland is losing a lot of blood. The alpha saved me twice from the rogues, fearing the worst I needed to do something. Determined to save the alpha male, I dragged his heavy body in hopes to find the dirt trail again or someone willing to help us.


Killian caught the scent of blood that alerted his brothers and their wolves, following the scent trail he prayed the blood didn't belong to Kyran. My heart beat rapidly knowing we may find our baby brother.

"He's there!" Colin shouted. I looked where he's point seeing Kyran covered in blood and dragging a human body with him. It scared me more knowing Kyran lost his way and crossed the border without realising.

"Kyran!" I shouted. His head look up with tears roll down his cheek.

"B-Brother" he whimpered. Quickly I took off my jacket and covered his naked body, shivering from the cold he needed the keep warm.

"Are you hurt?" I asked looking around for any wounds on his body.

"N-No, I-it's Noland he's been stabbed and his wolf isn't healing the wound. H-He lost a lot of blood, please brother help him" Kyran pleaded. My brothers were already assisting the alpha male.

"He's a rogue" Jacob growled showing me the banishment symbol located on his lower back, Kyran was with a alpha rogue alone.

"He's a rogue Kyran, I can smell your heat and he's an alpha" I said to him. Not caring about the symbol he still pleaded us to save him. I begged Killian to save Noland, I didn't know he was a rogue but at this point it doesn't matter to me. I wanted to save him, I needed to hear his voice and I needed to see him heal to give me closure.

"You could of been raped or worse, killed" said Colin.

"I-I am begging you, he saved my life and if it wasn't for him I'll be dead long ago" I replied. They all flinched when I mentioned death, it's the truth I wasn't lying, if it wasn't sure Noland I could of been killed. Not liking the idea Killian carried Noland, they both were the same size so he didn't have trouble carrying him.

"Let me carry you Kyran" said Benjamin. I wanted to reject his offer but he held me in his arms before I could give a response. I hadn't realise how exhausted my body become, emotionally and physically drained I ignore my bodies needs and wanted Noland to be checked first.

I pray for his recovery.  

Mating Season (ManxMan|Werewolf|Mpreg) Mating Series: BOOK ONEWhere stories live. Discover now