Chapter #2| Rescued

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I woken up with a headache, whimpering in pain it hurts to move my body. Feeling something wet touch my forehead I yelp in surprise and fear staring at the stranger before me. I was shocked seeing an alpha male kneeled beside me, alpha's weren't suppose to be near me until my heat starts.

"You need to rest" he says. I shivered hearing his voice, it sounded deep and smooth. The sunlight barely shown his appearance, I can only see his long curly hair and bright hazel eyes staring at me intensely.

"W-What happened?" I asked. The wolf frown seemed to be in deep thought, looking around the unfamiliar room I wondered what happened after I fallen off the tree. I wanted to know if the alpha saved me from the rogues.

"You were stupid enough to get attacked my rogues" he says.

"Excuse you, I-I am not stupid" I replied. Hearing his smirk he explained the mistakes I've made when encountering rogues and even venturing into their territory. If I hadn't played truth or dare none of this would happen, I was stupid enough to agree and try to complete the dare without realising the dangers I may encounter.

"You're love, because of your stupid mistake you made nearly gotten yourself killed. Omega's don't belong in the woods so now tell me why are you here?" he replies. I explained why I venture into the woods all because of a dare, I felt ashamed of myself and understood why my parents and brothers are overly protective. I couldn't defend myself no matter how much I train, born as an omega I am weak because of what I am. My body is preparing to accept my mate and bear his pups.

"You'll need your rest, you cracked your skull so you're still recovering and even gotten a fever because of it. This is why omega's do belong in the woods, your body isn't strong enough to cope with mother nature" he says.

"T-Thank you for saving me" I said.


Weeks gone by and still hadn't recovered, I felt weak and in pain most parts of the day. Knowing my heat will arrive soon I am afraid mating with a male bigger than me, I believe in love and don't want an alpha use my body only for pleasure. I wanted to be loved and make a family together.

"Thank you for the meal" I said giving the empty wooden bowl. I offered to clean my mess but he declined ordering me back to bed. As much as I wanted to protest my mind and body obeyed his command.  

"W-What is your name?" I dared to ask.

"Noland" he replies. I blushed watching him undress his bloodied clothes after his hunt, my hole twitched seeing his muscles flex. All I could think about is him f*cking me, planting his seed deep inside of me. A loud growl knocked me out of my fantasy, shocked to see him mount over me, he sniff my neck nipping on the skin.

"N-Noland" I moaned. Quickly he moved away and leave the room without saying a word. My scent is getting worse which means my heat is near, I didn't want him to think I am taking advantage of him. I find him mysterious, we barely talk to each other and even when I try to start a conversation he'll only give a one word answer.

"I-I am sorry, I-it's my heat and I am unable to control my scent" I said to him. When he came out of the bathroom, he grunts in response and leaves the room.

Meanwhile Killian and his brothers search the woods looking for their baby brother. Regretting his decision, Killian fear the worse. His parents were outraged after telling them the truth, it was their fault agreeing with Killian for allowing Kyran to enter the woods. Knowing his heat will start soon, it's a matter life or death to find Kyran before another wolf gets there first.

"Who created these paths?" asked Benjamin. Colin their fourth brother found the map Killian drawn for Kyran. 

"It wasn't there last week" said Jacob. Following the scent of their baby brother, they were outraged discovering his bag along with blood beside it. A scent of rogues and an alpha wolf were in the area, they feared something bad happened to their brother.

"It's all my fault" said Killian

"We'll find him brother, Kyran is stronger than we think" said Colin trying to comfort his eldest brother. Colin wasn't sure who the scent belonged to, he can recognised any alpha male scent but this one made him confused.  

Why is an alpha in a rogue territory?

Mating Season (ManxMan|Werewolf|Mpreg) Mating Series: BOOK ONEWhere stories live. Discover now