Kiss! Kiss Like the Lovers that you are!

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Brady: *tries to jump over from the back of the couch but fails so he face plants into the cushions* *muffled voice* I'm okay! *holds up letter* Glitch we have another letter!

Glitch: *takes the letter from Brady* Thank you

Ross: What's it say?

Glitch: *opens letter*

Max: *comes in with Mac and Cheese*

Ender: *is upside down on the ceiling; her eyes are closed listening* *standing above Ross*

Glitch: *giggles* Okay. CrystalNoteSkies dares Ross and Ender to kiss!

Ross: .\\~\\. WH-WHAT?!

Ender: 00 Wh-what?! *startled she falls from the ceiling and Ross catches her in his arms*

Glitch, Max, and Brady: *all smirk at the Endross*

Ross and Ender: *look at each other and blush hardcore edition* 0///0

Brady: Kiss Kiss Kiss kiss kiss ki-

Max: *covers Brady's mouth*

Brady: *moves hand And gives him a death glare*

Max: .-.

Ross: W-We don't have to i-if y-you....don't....want t-to.... *thinks: She really is very pretty...."

Ender: *Is still blushing pretty hard*

Ross: *kisses her*

Ender: *blushes super mega ultra hardcore limited edition!* *Starts to kiss back but the pulls away*

Ross: Th-There! W-w-we did it! *carefully sets down Ender*

Ender: *is screaming inside* *just then her enderpearl flickers orange for a second* 00 *teleports away*

Ross: •\\\\~\\\\•

Brady: *holds up phone* I gots pictures... *smirks*

Ross: Brady...

Brady: What?

Ross: GIVE ME THAT PHONE! *chases Brady*

Brady: *runs* Crap...

*Ross chases Brady all around the offices*

Glitch: Well if you've enjoyed this chapter-

Max: Make sure to leave a like and comment down a dare or question or anything you'd like to ask if they are true!

Glitch: *remembers it's the 99th part* AMD I CAN KISS U AGAIN! *kisses his cheek*

Max: heh.... *smiles*

Glitch: AND! Since it's the 99th part-

Max: Glitch has arranged something for the 100th Special!

Glitch: Yep! So for the 100th special...

Max: We are going to do something where you guys have to come up with as many dares as possible!

Glitch: And as many asking us if things are true  and as many questions as possible!

Max: It'll be an extra long special chapter to close off the Ask Or Dare game!

Glitch: And! Everyone who is in the book: Britton, Krazy, Ender, Brady, Psycho, And Fox!
You guys can do dares, asks if things are true and ask questions now too! As many as you want!

Max: We want a lot!

Glitch: Yeah! SO make sure to be thinking as many as possible!

Max: And also a couple shoutouts to make!

Glitch: First: To BuffyAndMe ! Make sure to check out her account and especially her art book because she's amazing at art and can draw Fursonas and animals really well! Make sure to follow her too if ya want! =3

Max: And to rayrae101 ! Make sure to check out her account and art book too! Her art is also amazing! She can draw Fusonas, Animals and people extremely well! =3 make sure to give her a follow if ya want!

Glitch: Anyways! Make sure to go check them out-

Max: Comment down as many Questions, ask as many truths and Dare us as much as possible!

Glitch: So BAI guys!

Max: BAI!

Glitch: Can I stuff my face with bread now, and play UnderTale with you now please!!!! I miss it all!! ;-;

Max: Of course... *chuckles and kisses her*

Glitch: *face flushes a light blue and kisses back*

Jess: *randomly comes in* MITHGLITCH~!

Glitch and Max: Jess!

Jess: Hehhehehe... BAI BAI!*smirks and shuts off camera*

Ask Or Dare!!! (Sky Media) [COMPLETED ✅]Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat