Kissy Kissy

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Glitch: *reads letter* *blushes bright blue* um...Krazy....?

Krazy: Yeah? ooo~! Did we get another dare?

Glitch: Y-y-yeah.....*hands her letter*

Krazy: *blushes*

Glitch: *Teleports everyone to her* Ahem...we got dared moonlight_theshipper ....and she dares Krazy and Jin, Red and Barney, Max and I, and Shelby and Corey to kiss for ten whole seconds...

Everyone that's name was just called: *blushes*

Glitch: Oh and Jess is allowed to take videos and put it on Twitter....

Corey: Do I have to..?

Glitch: Y-y-yes-s...I-it's a da-dare..... *glitches in and out*

Corey: For ten whole seconds....?

Krazy: Yep.

Fox: *cant stop Fangirling*

Corey: *sighs* Get ready Jess.

Jess: *takes out phone*

Shumpy: Um...Hehe...Corey...?

Corey: #Yolo?

Shumpy: .....#Yolo.

*day both Kiss*

Fox: AH!!! YUS!!!

=ten seconds later=

*they brake apart*

All girls: EEEE!!!! The ship!!!!

Jess: *puts video of it on Twitter*

Krazy: Barney, and Red! Go!

Jess: *starts filming*

Barney: You know Red, we don't have to if you don't want-

Red: *kisses on lips*

Girls: #REDNEY!!!!!

=10 seconds later=

*they brake apart*

Barney: *faints*

Red: *is blushing so hard*

Jess: EEEEE!!! *posts on Twitter*

Fox: Aw YIS!!

Glitch: Kr-Krazy! Your turn!

Jin: Um...Krazy....we....don't have to...I mean...I- you know what? *kisses Krazy on lips*

Everyone: YASSSSS!!!!!

=ten seconds later=

*they brake apart and Are blushing so hard*

Jin: Krazy I-

Krazy: *teleports away*

Jin: .....*sigh*

SHUMPY: Glitch! Your turn!!! Eee!

Jess: *posts on Twitter and starts recording again* Do it!!!

Max: Heheh...

Glitch: *is glitching in and out uncontrollably* M-m-Max-ax I-I- I-

Max: Hey. C-calm down. It's okay. *leans down and kisses Glitch on lips*

Glitch: *blushes and can't stop glitching in and out. Glitches in and out so fast you can barely see her clearly anymore*

=ten seconds later=

Max: *Pulls away*

Glitch: *faints while still glitching in and out*

Max: *catches her*

Jess: *posts on Twitter*

Max: *holds Glitch bridal style* Um....*face is so red right now*

Fox: AWWWWW!!!!!

Max: Sh-shut up! *carries her over to couch*

Jess: If you've enjoyed this chapter make sure to leave a like and comment down below a dare and #Jinzy, #Corby, #Redney and #MithGlitch!

=Few hours later=

Glitch: *wakes up* What the-?

Jin: Oh good. Glitch! You're awake.

Glitch: Y-yeah.... *rubs head* *realizes she's on couch* What happe-? Oh....*blushes blue again*

Jin: Hey um...Glitch?

Glitch: Yeah?

Jin: About that dare....Can I ask you something....?

Glitch: Yeah. What is it...?

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