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Glitch: *whispers* Ender! Britton! Max!

Max: What?

Britton: What is it?

Ender: Yes~?

Glitch: We have a dare for Krazy and Jin!

Britton: Then I'll go get them!

Glitch: No! I have an idea. So here's the dare. It's by Theawesomefox1 and she dares Jin and Krazy to be locked in a closet together.....for three hours....

Ender: What?! That's genius! I wish I would have thought of that!

Britton: I know right!

Glitch: Right guys focus! So here's what we're going to do....

=15 minutes later=

Jin: So Krazy I was wondering if you wanted to play some video games later?

Krazy: S-sure! I'd love to!

*walks by open closet*

Glitch: *Pushes Jin inside*

Jin: What the-?!

Ender: *pushes Krazy inside*

Krazy: wha-?!

Max: *shuts door*

Britton: *locks it behind them*

Krazy: HEY! LET US OUT!!

Glitch: Nope!

Jin: Why?!

Britton: Because it was a dare!!

Max: Good luck spending 3 hours together!

Glitch: ALONE!!!


Glitch: YES!!! BREAD!!!

Britton: BREAD!

~>Meanwhile in the closet<~

Jin: *jiggles door handle* this isn't budging...

Krazy: Oh we are so getting back at them!!!

=2 hours and 50 minutes later=

Krazy: OH MY GOSH YAS! We should totally do that!

Jin: Yeah!

=2 minutes of awkward silence later=

Jin: Um....Krazy..?

Krazy: Y-yes Jin?

Jin: *kisses Krazy*

Krazy: *blushes but kisses back*

Max: *unlocks door and opens it*

Glitch: Alright you too! Time is...

Jin and Krazy: *pull back* wha-

Krazy: You didn't see anything!


Max: Whatever you say...lovebirds...

Glitch: If you've enjoyed this chapter then make sure to leave a like and comment down below a dare or ask anyone of us a question!

Krazy: Why can't we get a question for once!?

Glitch: Because questions are no fun Krazy.

Max: Anyway...we'll see you in the next one!

Glitch: *Jumps in front of Max* BOI!!!!!!!

Ask Or Dare!!! (Sky Media) [COMPLETED ✅]Where stories live. Discover now