better run....

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Glitch: *reads Dare* hey Ross!

Ross: Yeah?

Glitch: We have a dare for you!

Ross: Oh it bad?

Glitch: Pfft! Nah!

Ross: I don't feel safe....

Glitch: nicerockinkid dares you, when Max is eating Mac and cheese, you have to do your all famous "Ross slap" and slap it out of his hands. Lucky for you, you get a 10 second head start before he's allowed to chase you.

Ross: Noice. Where's Max?

Max: I'm right here! Whatcha need Ross? *is holding bowl of Mac and cheese and eats a bite*

Ross: Here goes nothing... *takes a deep breath* *walks up to Max and slaps bowl of Mac and cheese out of his hands using da "Ross slap"


Glitch: *freezes Max so he can't move*

Max: What the?

Ross: *runs*

Max: GLITCH?! let. Me go....

Ross: *yells from far away* IM BOOKIN' IT!!!

Max: Glitch unfreeze me!!!

Glitch: 7, 8, 9, 10! *unfreezes Max*

Max: *runs after Ross*

Glitch: *teleports Ross to her*he'll just be running around the offices for a while till he realizes your still here. *giggles*

Ross: Ye. So if you've enjoyed this chapter make sure to leave a like and comment down below a dare or question for anyone of us! Until next time, Bye!

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