The Triple Date

242 12 56

[DONT PLAY MUSIC YET!!!!!!!!!!!!]

Glitch: *reads dare* 0///0 Um... *teleports Krazy, Max, Shelby, Jin and Cory to her*

Cory: Wha-what the?! I was just about to-*sigh* nevermind....

Shelby: What is it Glitch?

Glitch: I have no words.... *hands Krazy the sheet of paper*

Krazy: *reads it and blushes*

Jin: *reads over her shoulder* 0///0

Cory: What is it? *takes paper*

Shelby: *reads it as well*

Cory and Shelby: 0///0

Max: What?! Why are all of your faces red?! *takes paper and reads it* oh....

Glitch: Radioactive123456 .....why?!

Radio: *pops up out of no where* BECAUSE SHIPS!!!!!!

Shelby: MEEP!

Radio: My dare is amazing!!!!!!! I dare Shelby and Cory, Max and Glitch, and Krazy and Jin to go out on a triple date! And I get to tag along! Ha! And take as many pictures as I want to...

Glitch: I hate you...

Radio: Nah! You love me!

Glitch: Platonically....

Radio: Of course! So what are we waiting for?!?! LETS GO TO OLIVE GARDEN!!!!! But before we do that... Glitch...since I'm in here for this one I have co-author powers?

Glitch: *sighs* Yes....

Radio: PURFECT!!!! *snaps fingers and now the guys and girls are in fancier outfits*


Radio: HA!

Krazy: No. nononononon! No heels! *snaps fingers and they turn into flats* better....

Shelby: Ah! I look adorable!

Cory: *whispers* You're already adorable...

Shelby: What was that Cory?

Cory: NOTHING!!!

Max: *looks at Glitch* 0///0

Jin: *looks at Krazy* Woah....

Glitch: *snaps fingers and makeup disappears* much better....

Radio: Oh come on~! Why no makeup?!

Glitch: I HATE makeup...

Radio: *rolls eyes* come on! *teleports everyone to Olive Garden*

*Glitch and Max are sitting across from each other* *Krazy and Jin are sitting across from each other* *Cory and Shelby are sitting across from each other* *Radio is sitting at the end of the table near Max and Glitch*

Radio: *fangirls* Ah! All my ships! On a date! I can't even right now!

Everyone: 0///0

Max: I've...never been on a date before...

Glitch: Neither have I....*glitches* I don't really know what to talk about....

Max: Me neither...

Glitch: hm....*idea pops into head* Hey, have you heard of updog?

Max: Updog?

Glitch: Yeah! Updog! Have you heard of him?

Max: No...I don't don't know what you are talking about...

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