Brittin's Dare!

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Quick A/N!!!!!! Okay so I'm stupid and forgot Nick until someone said something!!! So Nick is Flowey!

And since this is Britton's dare, everyone will be normal and there will be an extra chapter for the UnderTale Dare!

Got it? Okay good! Let's get in with Britton's Dare!

And PS. If you are confused......ill explain during or after the chapter...

Max and Glitch: *casually sitting on couch watching The Hunger Games*

Britton: GLIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIITCCCCCCHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!! *runs in room and jumps on couch, knocking Glitch off and startling both of them*

Glitch: Oh my gawd Britton you gave me a heart attack!

Max: You scared me half to death! *pauses movie* what do you want?


Glitch: Quit yelling! So what's your dare?

Britton: I'm glad you asked such a question! Okay so you know Christopher from school right?

Glitch: Yeah....?

Britton: Well, I've invited him over, ONLY FOR THIS CHAPTER, and we are all gonna throw burnt and flaming marshmallows at him! XD

Glitch: OH MAH GAWD YAS!!!!!!!!

Max: Um....who's this...Christopher?

Glitch: A guy at our school who's a big butt nugget.

Max: *chuckles* butt nugget?

Glitch: Ye! *teleports everyone to her*

Red: STAP!!!!!!

Nick: I feel dizzy...

Glitch: Guys we have a dare!

Jess: Oooo~! From who?

Britton: FROM MWA!!!!!!

Glitch: Her dare is-

Britton: There is this guy named Christopher at our school and he's a butt! So we are going to throw burnt and flaming marshmallows at him until he dies.

Everyone: ...

Nick: Till he...dies...?

Britton: YES!

Nick: Okay......... *takes a step back*

Glitch: I guess I'll give you guys marshmallows? Can't promise I won't summon some good ones and eat them.

Max: Now I want marshmallows....


Max: ME!!!

Jess: YASSSSS!!!!!


Nick: MARSHMALLOWS!!!!!!!!

Glitch: Okay... *snaps fingers and there is now a huge pile of burnt and flaming marshmallows* *summons a bowl of good ones and starts eating* yum....

Christopher: Um...hello?

Britton: HES HERE!!! THROW THEM!!!!!!

*they all throw marshmallows at Christopher*

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