Sorry Glitch and #Swagmau

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SwagDragonDante PsychofoxGAMES and xXPATDLoverXx are the people who joined us, make sure to check dem out since they are so Rossome! =3
Brady: Glitch! *knocks on the closet door* Glitch I'm sorry!

Glitch: -_-

Brady: It was a dare! And everyone is now mad at me! .~. Okay maybe not everyone but Ellie, Ender, Psycho, Britton, Fox and Krazy are!

Glitch: -_- Im not coming out!

Brady: Aw c'mon! This is the last chapter then you can eat all the bread, play all the UnderTale and kiss Max all you want!

Glitch: 0///0 BRADY!

Brady: *smirks* what?

Glitch: -.- I hate you.

Brady: Damnit!

=meanwhile with Jess=

Jess: Hey guys! We just got another letter!

Ender: *pissed off, pacing around the ceiling*

Ross: *looking at Ender as she paces* (Yo! We need some ENDOSS dares!)

Fox: -~-

Britton: *is crying and watching Julian2*

Psycho: I'm scarred for life

Krazy: *hugging Jin* Nopenopenopenopenope

Jess: *sighs* Brady has broken everyone...

Max: -_- What does the letter say?

Jess: Dunno. Haven't read it yet. *opens letter and blushes*

Max: Well?

Jess: I-Its a mistake! I-Its blank! Heheh...*before she wads up paper Max steals it*

Max: HA! OOO~!!!!!!!!

Jess: Max!

Max: Jess...? Do u like Brady..?

Jess: Wat?! No! Of course not! *looks away blushing like crazy*

Max: You do! Ooo~! Jess has a crush! Jess has a crush! BRADY!!!


Brady: *hears his name and teleports to Max and Jess* Well. It's no use. Glitch isn't coming out of that damned closet. Max, maybe you can get her to leave. Idk. Anyways. Whatcha need?

Max: *smirks* We got a dare!

Brady: And?

Max: It's by Supercoolgirl69 and she dares You and Jess to kiss!

Jess: *her face is really red and she tries to hide it with her hands*

Brady: *his face is rainbow (when he blushes, his OC blushes rainbow like my OC blushes blue =3 )* Wh-What?!

Jess: .\\\~\\\.

Max: It's a dare! And I'm taking pictures! Revenge! MWHAHA!

Brady: Uh... *looks at Jess*

Jess: *looks at Brady*

Brady: W-We don't h-have to if y-you really don't want-

Jess: *kisses him on the lips* -////-

Brady: 0///0 *kisses back*

Max: *gets out his phone and takes pictures* Glitch is gonna love this!

*they both pull away*

Both: 0///0

Brady: *goes up to Max* If you say anything- *gives him death glare and summons a fire ball* I shall kill you... *walks away still blushing*

Jess: .\\~\\.

Max: 00 well then.... *looks at Jess*

Jess: Not. A. Word! *walks away*

Max: Yes ma'am.... *smirks and holds up phone* Ive still got pictures!

Brady: *teleports back to Max, takes his phone and breaks it in half and teleports away*

Max: ;-; Damnit Brady! MY PHONE!


Max: *sighs* If you've enjoyed this chapter make sure to leave a like and comment down below a dare or question. This is Max, and I appreciate your existence! Now if you'll excuse me...i have to go drag Glitch out of the closet...

Ask Or Dare!!! (Sky Media) [COMPLETED ✅]Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz