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I gasped awake once again. It was becoming more and more common.

I squinted through the ink black night, making sure the boys were still in their hammocks. Henry's hand was hanging over the side of his.

Pan's hammock swung loosely with the wind. Of course he'd bail.

I laid my head back down and tried to get back into a comfortable position to fall asleep.

Where would Pan go at this time of night? He probably went to go bathe. Yeah, that's it.

What am I kidding? He wouldn't waste precious time doing that. He's probably teaming up with his Lost Boys, hatching a plan on mine and Henry's murder.

Or worse, torture. My head's itchy. Maybe he infested my hammock with lice.

I shuddered in fear, sitting up. I obviously wouldn't be able to go back to sleep. I carefully stepped out of the hammock and onto a branch, ready to begin my descent.

I made it most of the way. It wasn't until I was five meet from the ground that I finally misstepped and plummeted to the earth.

I heard footsteps come rushing to the scene.

It had to be Pan. Or his minions. Either way, I had to find a place to hide. But I was too big to hide in any bushes, and my pale skin would surely show under any light.

Oh, but the bushes!

I immediately changed into my animagus and jumped into the bush.

"Did you hear that?" One voice said.

"Shut up." The other replied. I rolled my eyes, knowing that it was Pan being his normal self.

After a few minutes of watching them circle the area in caution, they finally lowered their weapons. The boy holding a little knife that would only work within close proximity to the victim. Pan put away his sword.

"It's probably just those fools messing with us." The boy said.

Peter Pan's eyes were still bouncing around trying to find what made the noise.

"What did you bring me here for?" The boy asked, trying to refocus Pan's attention.

"I thought you'd deserve a little promotion." Pan switched his charm back on like a switch.

"Why? Because Felix messed up?" The boy said, smirking.

"Felix failed in his mission, yes.. And I've failed to see the use of you in the past, Slightly."

Slightly? That's a name?

"If you mean taking the girl back—"

"No!" Pan lashed out at Slightly. "She can't go back. She knows too much now."

"This wouldn't have happened if Felix hadn't grabbed her too.."

"What happened, happened." Pan tried redirecting the conversation. "I'll let you know more tomorrow. Go back to camp" He let Slightly go.

I knew I should probably get back to the hammocks before Pan headed back there, if he did. But part of me really wanted to go catch Slightly. The poor boy probably didn't know what he was getting himself into. He looked scared almost.

Or maybe that was just my imagination. Putting my emotions onto someone else.

Nonetheless, once Pan was out of sight, my little dog legs ran after Slightly.

And I did what any dog would do. Or at least, any dog my size.

I bit his ankle.

"Get off now!!" Slightly kicked his leg, tossing me across the beaten path and onto the stump of a tree.

"Oww.." I put my hand to my head where I hit the tree stump.

"A girl!?" Slightly held out his small knife in my direction.

"Lady." I responded in anger.

"Yes, I know what you are." He eyed my up and down.

"No, that's my name. Slightly, is it?" I stood up, not scared of his butter knife.

"That's right. Slightly. Slightly Soiled."

The following moment consisted of complete silence. That was until I busted out laughing.

"You're kidding, right!?"

"It's not funny, you hear. It's my name."

"Sure it is, kid." I walked up to the Lost Boy who just became much less terrifying and put my hand on his shoulder.

"You can't talk. Your name is Lady."

I still laughed at the boy. "That's not half as bad as your name!"

I could tell that my incessant laughter was starting to frustrate him.

"What are you anyways? What do they call it— werewolf?" This boy had a bad sense of vocabulary.

"Sure, if you're that terrified of me.." I stifled back some more laughter, mostly at the thought of my American cocker spaniel being anything near scary like a werewolf.

Slightly went shy. Since when is he shy?

"How old are you?" I asked, breaking the silence.

"I was fifteen. That was, before I came here. I've been fifteen since. And how old are you? Fourteen? Twelve?"

"Seventeen." I chuckled. Not only had a bad vocabulary, but was equally as bad at guessing games.

"No way! You're just as old as Pan! You two are the oldest on the island!"

I smirked. "Well, it is my birthday in a few days.."

Slightly's slight grin fell. "We don't celebrate birthdays here."

"Well.. Maybe Pan will make an exception." I was trying to be optimistic.

"Peter doesn't make exceptions." Slightly said this surely.

"I have to head back." Slightly said. "Felix and the other boys are probably wondering where I am."

I waved goodbye, ready to head on my way back to the hammocks.

"You're not half as bad as Felix made you out to be." Slightly said.

"Thanks, you're not half as bad as Felix." 

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