Pixie Dust

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It felt like we ran forever. I didn't know how much longer we could until we ran off this island of Neverland.

"I think we lost them.." Said Tramp, slowing down.

"I just need a second.." Henry said, leaning over trying to catch his breath.

I did the same. I had no idea how Tramp wasn't out of breath. Maybe he was used to the run and go.

"So, why did Pan have you take us?" Henry asked.

"I'm sorry. I really am. If I didn't do it, he'd find another way. He always gets what he wants. He wants you." He turned to Henry.

Great, so I was just an accomplice.

"And why does Pan want you?" I asked, raising an eyebrow at the tramp.

He pulled out a small vial that he had hanging around his neck. "Pixie dust. I stole it from him 'cause I thought I could use it to fly away and go home. But it doesn't work. It's useless."

Tramp had lost the magic he once had in his voice. The magic that wanted me to come here, and now was the last place I wanted to be. Though the sadness and desperation in his voice wanted me to help him.

"Don't worry. My family's coming to rescue me, and you could come with us." Henry said, glancing over at me. I knew what he was thinking.

"You really think you're the first boy to believe that his family is actually coming for them?" Tramp asked skeptically

"My family's different. We always find each other.."

I looked to the ground. Would my family even realize I was gone?

"You better hope they don't." Tramp went on. "Pan will rip their shadows into oblivion."

Henry stood up and put a hand on Tramp's shoulder. "It's going to be okay. I promise. Don't lose hope. All we need is time. Is there a place that we can hide from the Lost Boys?"

Tramp looked off, then sighed. "There's a place they can't track us. The Echo caves. But it's far."

"Then what are we waiting for? Lead the way." Henry said.

I stood up straight again, ready to start on this trek.

I ran with the boys, trying to keep up with the both of them.

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