What Love Life?

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The bell to Granny's diner rang. The nude heels I had to wear today clicked against the linoleum floor.

Henry was seated at a booth, usually where he was before school. I was just shocked not to see Emma around.

I slid into the booth across from Henry.

"Hey, kid."

"Oh, hi, Lady." The boy was reading the book he always was.

"Reading again?"

"Always am." He shut the book, giving me his full attention.

"Speaking of the book, I have a friend who's interested in talking to you about it."

"Really?" His eyes widened.

"Yeah, he said something about it being a big encouragement to him. Anyways, he wants to meet you later today, if you're free?"

"I should be."

"Great! We can call it.. Operation Tramp, since I know you love those mission names."

"Tramp? Oh, of course.. Because you're Lady!"

I raised an eyebrow, wondering what in the world he was talking about.

"You know what, anything to help your love life." Henry smiled at me.

"Whoa, no, no, no, no, no. No love life. No romance. It's nothing like that."

"Whatever you say, Lady. I'll see you later." He gathered his stuff up and headed out the door.

I sat back in the booth, smirking to myself. Henry was crazy. Love life? That's a joke.

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