What paws?

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Yaawwwnnnn. I stretched until my paws could not reach any further. Paws?

If dogs could groan, I would. I must've transformed into my animagus overnight.

Changing back into human form, I got out of my bed.. More like rolled and started to regain consciousness.

I stood up and took a look at myself in the mirror. My auburn hair was knotted and, apparently, I had forgotten to take my makeup off from yesterday since I resembled a raccoon more than I ever would a dog.

"Lady! Fifteen minutes, you have to get to the office!" My mom's voice sounded through the tellbox that was next to my door.

How she wouldn't approve of my appearance right now.

Hurrying, I tried to freshen up. Redo makeup. Comb through hair. Put on a pretty dress.

I spun to look at myself in the full-length mirror.

Pretty, pretty, pretty. "Too pretty for my own taste," I rolled my eyes, throwing a jacket over the mid-thigh length dress to make the look for casual.

I slipped on a pair of flats and trotted down the stairs. Turning the corner to the kitchen, I ran straight into my mom who was headed upstairs.

I gasped, as I jumped back.

"Oh goodness, Lady, watch where you're going." She glanced at my appearance from top to bottom. "Oh no. Do not wear that jacket. It is not classy enough for you or this outfit."

"I'm going to the office, Mom. No one even cares how I look. I just answer the phone."

"You are my daughter, and you are not going out dressed like that."

I groaned audibly. It was just a jacket!

"We have to look good, honey. Keep up appearances." She fluffed my hair up. "Now, on your way. I'll have dinner ready when you get home"

I threw my purse over my shoulder. I didn't know why I carried it anyways— it had nothing in besides a book and a few pens.

I guess to "keep up appearances" as Mom would say. Dad was the county court justice in Storybrooke. But since the curse was broken, they had become even more keen on our appearance, since everyone remembered them as high up in royal court in the Enchanted Forest. I don't even remember his title, nor did I really care. I did what I had to do to get by without having to be scolded by them.

I made my way into the courthouse which seemed to be hustling and bustling. Probably minor stuff since the curse was broken. I made it into the back office to see my father already diligently talking on the phone. Glancing into his office, I saw Regina in there, tapping her foot impatiently.

I sat down at my humble desk that was in direct view of my father's office.

Henry had been in the office with Regina Mills, the mayor of Storybrooke and queen of the Enchanted Forest. Henry was her adoptive son. I guess it's luck if you weren't adopted in this town.

Henry looked over his shoulder, and we made eye contact. I waved him over.

"Hi, Lady." He approached my desk.

"Hey, kid. Looks like you were right after all, with all those fairy tales. I didn't ever get the chance to say sorry, for ever doubting you, I mean."

The boy chuckled. "It's fine. Most people didn't believe me."

There was a brief silence as we glanced into my dad's office, seeing Regina slamming her fist down on his desk.

"How's the dog life treating you?" Henry turned back to me. Before the curse was broken, he always told me that I was an animagus. Of course, not even knowing what it was at the time, I didn't believe him. Then again, the only person that did believe him was his birth mother who made quite the entrance into Storybrooke.

I admired her though. She had a freedom. An audacity that I could never secure.

Nodding my head, I replied, "It's okay. Sometimes I wish my animagus was a bird though." I widened my eyes at the enthralled boy. "Then I could fly away, have freedom, do what I wanted to do. Being a dog can.. Well, it can be rough." I chuckled.

"You have a good life, Lady." Henry patted his hand on my shoulder. Sometimes it felt weird being comforted by such a small kid, but his faith literally had moved mountains.

"Thanks, kid." I smirked at him.

"Henry." Regina came out of my father's office. "Lady," she addressed me.

"Regina," I smiled sweetly at her like my mother always told me to do.

"I'll catch ya later, Lady." Henry caught up to his adoptive mother.

As I watched them walk off, I made eye contact with my father through the glass windows of his office.

I smiled at him as he waved at me, habitually picking up the phone as I had done every other day of work.

"Storybrooke Courthouse, how can I help you?"

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