Tree Hammocks

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"You know, I don't think you're doing it right." To anyone else, it would look as if I were staring straight up into the sky and talking to God.

"I've been here longer than you. I think I know what I'm doing." Pan said, matter-of-factly. The boy had climbed up into the trees and started to hang sheets like hammocks for beds.

I don't know if I would ever be able to climb up there and sleep. My knees were shaking just watching the agile boy climb through the branches. Luckily, I convinced Henry to let Tramp do the work. We merely just sat at the stump of the tree.

In all honesty, I was using Pan's little secret against him in any way I could. I was surprised he was still dealing with it. My sly remarks never stopped, and I didn't see them stopping anytime soon.

Not at least until he came clean to Henry. Why he even wanted Henry was still a big question. But he was carrying on this charade long enough to make me really think about it.

"There." I heard Pan landing next to me. "We should be all set for nighttime."

I stared up into the tree. This would be a perfect opportunity for Pan to send me to my death. One corner not tied tight enough, and I'd be done for. And not only falling to my death, but hitting thorned branches all the way down.

"Are you sure it's s-safe?" I asked Pan, staring at him.

He stood with his hands on his waist. "Of course it's safe! I wouldn't have wasted all my time on it if it wasn't safe. Don't tell me you're not going to go up there after all that work."

Henry stood up next to me. This whole time he had been unusually silent.

"You okay, Henry?" I asked, legitimately worried about the kid.

"Yeah, I'm just tired.." He headed up the branches that Pan had maneuvered down.

"He's losing faith.." Pan said once Henry was out of earshot, not disappointedly either.

"What is with you and your infatuation with Henry?" I pulled a blade of grass out of an almost bare patch next to where I was sitting.

"Infatuation? Hardly."

"Then what?" I tapped my foot impatiently.

"Why should I tell you?" His eyebrows furrowed.

"Well.." Was it time?

Pan took a step closer to me. "I'm the one keeping you alive, remember?"

Time. "Well, I'm the one with this." I revealed the pixie dust hanging around the neck, almost an exact replica of the one he had.

"Where'd you get that?"

"Why should I tell you?"

Pan glared at me.

"Not fun having to be played by your own game, huh?" I asked him.

"My games just beginning." He pointed towards the hammocks hanging up in the trees. "Have fun, darling."

I tried to hold back from stomping my foot once again. Pan sure knew how to provoke me though. Darling. Just like my mom.

But in this case, I was going to be nothing like her. I pulled myself up onto the first branch.

Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Pan's eyes widen. He hadn't expected me to take his challenge.

Within seconds, it looked like I was 10 feet off the ground. I don't know how I did it. Maybe it was fueled by my anger towards the smug boy.

Looking down at Pan, it almost looked like he was worried. Worried that I proved him wrong probably.

I got to the hammock and steadied myself in it, careful not to flip myself over.

As I laid back, I heard rustling in a branch near my own.

From a few branches up, I saw Henry leaning over the side of his hammock, scaring me half to death.

"Good night, Lady. And Tramp." Henry smiled. I hadn't realized that Pan already made it up to the hammock he set up for himself.

Though whether he'd stay throughout the night, I don't know if I would stay awake to find out.

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