Elnor bowed and exited the throne room. Yes, he was wished to visit the prince, but first he would see how Tauriel fared. He walked hastily. A few minutes later passed before he found himself out of the door of Tauriel's quarters. He recalled the last time they met; they had argued. He knew not who was right in that arguement, but he knew the reason of his jealousy. He was falling for her since the last 10 years. And since she had been spending time with the prince,...he was just jealous.

He took in a deep breath and knocked the door. No answer. He knocked again, but he got no answer. He slowly opened it. His eyes fell on her sleeping form.
'She must have been really tired' he thought and approached her. She was sleeping heavily cause she did not seem to sense his presence.
'I am so sorry Tauriel... I promise I will be a better friend in the future' he whispered and kissed her forehead. He exited her room, not wanting to disturb her. He closed the door and made his way to the healing quarters where the prince was kept.

Two guards stood out of the door.
"I wish to see the prince" Elnor stated. The guards exchanged a look and then opened the door. Elnor nodded in gratitude and entered. A healer stood beside the prince. Elnor took a few steps closer to the bed and noticed that the healer was stiching a deep wound on Legolas' hip. Even though the prince had been given a sleeping draught, he would flinch when the needle got too deep in his skin.
"How is he?"
"We are doing our best... However, we know not what kind of poison has infected his blood...we have removed most of it, but there is still some of it in him...we know nothibg at the time being" the healer answered and cut the thred. Legolas' face showed pain and struggle. The healer covered the prince's body with a white sheet and left in order to tend to his other patients.

Elnor observed the prince for a while. His heavy breathing was the only thing that showed he was alive. After a while, he sighed and exited the healing quarters. He was making his way to the weaponry when a guard stood on his way "Elnor, the king asked of you to find Tauriel. She has been summomed in a council". Elnor nodded and and turned right. He ran up a big staircase, his light footsteps echoing through the hallways.

He knocked the door and entered. She was still sleeping.
"Tauriel" he whispered and gently shook her shoulder. Her eyes flickered open and sat up.
"Elnor? What are you doing here?" she snapped.
"The king has summoned you in a council" he said calmly. Her eyes widened and got out of bed in an instant. She put on her boots and opened the door. Before she left, she turned around and looked her friend in his grey eyes "Thank you" she muttered and then left. Elnor let out a sigh in defeat and exited her room.

Tauriel ceased her running to stop her slight panting. The guards opened the large wooden doors and she entered. A stone table had been set near the stairs of the king's throne and there sat, on three wooden chairs, Lord Elrathon, Lady Elsaylen and Thranduil. Once she entered theu looked at her.
"Ah, Tauriel. Come, have a seat" said Thranduil and pointed at an empty chair beside him. She bowed and had a seat.
"I have summoned you here to discuss of the recent events. Therw are things that you may not know about this foul cliff" Thranduil said. The others looked at him questioningly.
"This is no mere cliff. This cliff was created during the war of the ring, 6 years ago. Sauron had a great number of his army march here. Not orcs, but Haradrim and Easterlings. Before the battle began, the ground shook and growled. I sent a party of 20 soldiers to go to follow the direction of the sound. Five of them managed to return, bringing sorrowful news; 15 of their companions were killed by a poisonous fume before they could reach their destination. The five survinors told me that because of the poisonous fume, they could see almost nothing ahead, but something dark and huge could be seen in the distance, they said. They said it was like the ground coming to an end, so I supppsed it was some kind of cliff or a small gorge. From then on I grew very suspicious. We had never seen a cliff in the forest. It must have been the enemy's doings. But what kind of power would tear the ground and make so huge a gap? After we defeated the enemy, noone dared to approach this place. Till now" Thranduil said "Obviously you and Legolas had no idea of this and that's why you thought that the forest was still safe. As we all saw, the poisonous fume had gone away and thick mist had replaced it" Thranduil told Tauriel and then looked at the others.
"But this mist was indeed dangerous. Once my party stepped into the cliff's rocky bottom, the mist seemed to be affecting us. It made us weaker" he concluded.

"If I may my Lord, I have a theory. As you said, there were humand, Haradrim and Easterlings. They would have been hiding somewhrre in the forest because it would not be wise to attack immediately, they knew that the elves would easily defeat them. They tore the ground with the help of dark magiv and created the cliff, their keep. Perhaps they had released a poisonous fume in the edge of the cliff to keep you away. And, for them not to be poisoned, they made a secret entrance far away from the vulnerable edge of the cliff and entered their keep safely, so the fume could not reach them" said Elrathon.

Thranduil looked at him and let the Lord's words to sink in. It was a good enough theory, it would possibly be true. All of a sudden his eyes widened in recognition "...And on the battle's day, before it began, they had to send the fume away so that they could reach the palace safely..and as the fume went away, some of it remained and it was drifted into the depths of the cliff..and as the years passed it turned into this thick mist.." Thranduil stated, mostly speakibg to himself. The others remained silent.

"So... Legolas was infected by-"
"By the filth those foul people left behind them, the poison that is still lurking there" Thranduil completed Tauriel's sentence. Heavy silence fell upon them.
"Legolas is in utter danger.." Elsaylen muttered.
"I recall that, during the battle, we had put fear into loads of men's hearts because Woodland Elves are greater and stronger warriors than those mear humans. Many of them fled once they saw the burning rage in our eyes. Once the battle was finished, we searched for them but never found them, not a trace. They would not manage to go too far to so little time. They must be hiding somewhere.." Thranduil stated amd narrowed his eyes.
"But where, my Lord? The Forest Guard would have already spotted them" said Tauriel, not being able ti believe the king's words.
"Or they don't want to be found. They are more cunning than I thought" Thranduil said and rubbed his chin.

After a couple of minutes, he sighed and spoke "The councl comes to an end now. We shall resume our discussion tomorrow morning, for you need to rest. You are dismissed" Thranduil repled and sat up, so did the others.

Tauriel made her way to her chambers.
'Uh Legolas...please be alright...I would fall into darkness if-if', her thoughts were interupted when she saw Elnor standing a few feet away from her. Their eyes were locked for a few minutes when Elnor adjusted his gaze and broke the awkward silence "Tauriel... I wanted to tell you something.."
"What is it Elnor?"
"I wamted to ask for your forgiveness.. I did not want this arguement to break up, I-I"
"It is alright Elnor, you have my forgiveness" she answered and he gave her a thankful smile. She smiled back.
"Goodnight" he whispered and both continued on their way.

Hi! Don't worry, I am alive😁 Happy 2017!! (a bit too late I guess😅) May it be the greatest year of your life!! I want to apologise for not updating for two months😩 I won't excuse myself😑 Anyways, how was the chapter??

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