Chapter 9

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After a few minutes, Tauriel remembered that she was supposed to call for some maids. She immediatelly stood up to open the door when it shot open and three maids stormed into the room. Tauriel looked them in shock; who had called them?

"Good morning my lady. My name is Aylan. This is Ithelian and Sailen." Aylan said gesturing the maids on her right and left.

"Prince Legolas told us that you needed aid in getting prepared for the feast tonight." said Ithelian and smiled.

Tauriel was confused "Prince Legolas? But-"

"He emphasized that he wanted you to be extremely beautiful tonight" Sailen said in an enthusiastic tone, gave Tauriel a wide smile and winked.

"Ok, ok, let's start from the beginning. So, good morning too, I am Tauriel. Legolas told you to help me get prepared and...that's it, am I right?" Tauriel concluded and the three maids nodded.

"So what are we waiting for? Let's get started! This whole thing will take us hours" said Sailen and clapped her hands.

Aylan rolled her eyes and smiled "Ok then. First, we are going to help you get washed-"

"WHAT?? Don't you tell me that YOU three are going to actually help me get washed?"

"Of course sweatheart. Did you not hear?" Sailen rolled her eyes.

"Yeah, yeah, whatever. Go on Tauriel, take off your clothes darling" Ithelian said and Tauriel blushed to death as she took off her clothes. She went straight to the bathroom and sank into the water.

After a few minutes the maids entered the bathroom, their eyes eyes moving sceptically up and down her body. " have indeed a perfect body" Sailen said and clicked her tongue.

Then they started washing her hair and body. Tauriel felt pretty  uncomfortable of them touching and washing her body.

"Just relax sweaty. We are almost finished" Sailen said in an annoyed tone. However hard Tauriel tried, she could relax in no way.

After a few minutes, they let Tauriel get out of the bathroom. She put a towel around her body and sighed; even though the three maids were someway irritating, she was starting to grow fond of them.

Ithelian motioned her to sit to a nearby chair "So now, we are going to do your hair darling. Hey girls, what hairstyle should her hair have?" she asked her friends.

They were thinking for some minutes when Sailen jumped as she came up with an idea "I know! Oh yeah, it would be magnificent!" she said and whispered her idea to Aylan and Ithelian.

They nodded and started braiding her hair.
"Ouch! Don't pull it so much Aylan!" Tauriel shouted after a few moments.
"Oh, you have to be patient Tauriel. Being beautiful hurts most of the times." Aylan shrugged and continued pulling Tauriel's hair in order to braid them.

After what seemed like ages, (actually 4 hours passed) her hair was finished. She slowly stood up and looked herself in the mirror. Oh by the heavens, her hair was sooo nice; some of her hair was braided in three braids that were tangled in some way, leaving only the one braid's trail out of the tangle. The rest of her hair was flowing in a wavy way to her back.

"Oh girls, it is wonderful..." she breathed turning around herself.

But the maids did not pay attention to her, they were conversating "Do you know which ones will come to the feast?" Sailen asked.

"Um, I am sure that the whole Forest Guard will be there,...hey, I heard that Glorion will be accompanied by an elleth from a nearby village... I don't remember her name..." Ithelian said.

A New Life (On Hold)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें