"I really do not know where to start. This whole thing makes me a little afraid," I answered honestly.

"Did you write down your concerns?" He asked. I nodded and handed him the contract. He took it from me and flipped through it. When he finally got to the page that I had written on, he began to study it thoroughly.

"Hmmm. All of your concerns are valid. You seem to have a little issue with the thought of pain."

"Does that bother you?" I asked.

"It would bother me if you did not have an issue with pain. It is only human to be concerned when things are unfamiliar to you." He smiled at me. "Let me be clear Gia. Pain is apart of the fun. I am not some asshole who inflicts pain because of some dark past. You have no idea how much there is pleasure in pain. I will never harm you. Do you understand what that means?"

"It means you will spank me, but you will never do anything that will leave a permanent scar?" I asked. He let out a soft chuckle.

"You could say that. I would never do anything that will cause you any physical or emotional harm. You would have to trust me that I have your best interest at heart." He held up the contract slightly. "I know that this thing makes it sound like you cater to me, and it is somewhat true, but I will also take care of you." He ran a finger up my arm sending a slight shiver up my body. "I will anticipate every need you have. I will learn what your body needs and ways to make your body do things you never dreamed of."

"Is that even possible? I am pretty sure I have experienced all that my body can do," I stated. He pulled his hand away from me and sat back in his seat.

"If that is the case, you wouldn't be seeking out my help," he smugly said.

I opened my mouth to say something back, but could not. He was right. If I were completely satisfied with my sex life, then why am I here with him. I know why. Because the man is fine beyond all reason. Just one night is all I would want. But the way he was sitting across from with a look of triumph on his face says that I would need more than one night. I sat there not knowing what else to say. He looked back down at the contract.

"You seem to not have an issue with me sharing you." It wasn't a question. He looked back up towards me waiting for me to comment.

"I have never been with more than one person at a time, but I think that may be something I would want to explore." I looked down at the napkin on the table and placed it in my hand, turning it around my fingers.

"Another man, or woman?" He asked me.

"Another man of course. I am not into women at all. I do not like my vagina half the time. Why would I want to stick my face in another woman's crotch." He looked at me and laughed out loud.

"I have never heard it put that way before." He shook his head. "I am not into sharing what I consider mine, so I do not know how I would feel about that." He seemed to consider it for a moment. "But I a here to make sure every one of your needs and desires is met, so I think I could arrange something."

"I am not sure about anal. Things were made to come out of my ass not go in," I blurted out.

"Seeings is how you have never done that before, I understand your concern. We will revisit this topic when you have been mine for a while. You may be surprised that your mind will change."

"Doubtful. And how do you think that I will agree to this Mr. Bradley? You seem so sure of yourself."

"I can see it in your eyes that you have already agreed to be mine. You want this, and I want you."

"You are right, I do want this. I am just afraid." I admitted this out loud to myself.

"Trust me Gia," was all he said. He was about to say more when his cellphone rang. He looked at the screen "Shit. I thought I turned this off. I am sorry, but I have to take this."

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