A Year Later

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"What's up, Frankie?"James yawned, as he saw his roommate Frank Longbottom packing his things in his trunk."Feeling homesick? You do know that we just came back from the hols."

"I do feel homesick,"Came the reply,"But that's not why I'm packing. I'm moving dorms."

"Aw,you snitched on us to old Minnie?"James heard Sirius's drowsy voice say."I'm sorry,but you have to admit that the stink bomb under your bed was pretty funny."

"I'm not moving because of that,and that was you?" Frank said,referring to the stink bomb and Sirius ( which weren't necessarily the same thing). "Anyway,apparently there's a new bloke fellow coming to Hogwarts today,and old Minnie told me to be prepared to shift."

"That blows,"Remus said,coming out of the bathroom."You're pretty cool, Frank."

"You see,this is why I only talk to him,"Frank said,pointing to Remus who was trying to wake Peter up. Sirius and James made faces at him.

In the meantime,while Remus was trying to wake Peter up,he got slapped in the face by a flailing Peter.

"Ow!" He exclaimed,rubbing his cheek,then snorted."That's the closest I'm ever going to get to a slap from a girl,"He said,which earned him laughs from Sirius,James and Frank,and another slap from a now awake Peter.

"Don't rub it in our faces,Moony,"James said,rubbing his cheek and remembering all the times Lily Evans had slapped him and called him a 'toerag'.

"How come Evans only talks to you?" Sirius asked. "After all,there is moi,"He said,gesturing to himself in a grand manner.

"Because she's not stupid,"Came the reply from Remus,"Unlike someone I know."

"Oh,but my Transfiguration marks beg to differ,Moony."

"Oh,but your Muggle Studies marks don't,Padfoot."

"I wonder what the new bloke will be like," James said,breaking through the stare-down that Sirius and Remus were having."Hope he's not a wet blanket."

"And no one likes a wet blanket, they're very uncomfy to sleep in,"Peter piped up.

"We'll just have to wait and see,then," Sirius said,wondering who the new student could be.


"There yeh are!"The bumbling half-giant in front of Giorgia said."We best be quick,don' wan' teh miss th' food!"

"Thank you,Hagrid," Lucrezia said,and Antonio nodded in agreement. "Give our regards to the headmaster and the professors. Tell them our thanks for their consideration to take Giorgia in."

"No problem at all,"Hagrid said."We don' have any perm'nent foreign exchange students in Hogwarts,'this should be fun."

"Mhmm,"Giorgia muttered,giving her godparents a meaningful look. "Foreign exchange student."

"An' we 'ave another new student th' same year as yeh,"Hagrid said. "Funneh,he should be here....."

Just then an owl carrying a letter swooped down from nowhere and dropped the letter on Hagrid's head. Hagrid took the letter and read it.

He then crumpled up the paper,threw it away and sighed. "Well, that was a valuable waste o' time."He started walking towards the school,and then stopped and turned around."Yeh comin' or no?"

Giorgia turned towards Lucrezia and Antonio."I guess this is goodbye, zio and zia. Write every month,will you?"

"We will,and you better write back,"Lucrezia sniffled.

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