The Muggle Dark Wizard

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"Wait!" Giorgia exclaimed. Sirius turned to see Giorgia running after him.

"Can you tell me where the History of Magic classroom is?" Giorgia said. Sirius gave him a mental slap on the forehead. She'd wanted directions. Of course.

"I'm going right there," Sirius said. "Get prepared for a snooze fest. Professor Binns is horribly boring."

"I do like history, though," Giorgia said, walking next to him. "It's just the teacher that's boring isn't it? I'll manage."

Sirius shook his head. "You and Remus would make a perfect pair. Both of you like History, and I have absolutely no idea why!"

"I have no idea why you don't like it!'" Giorgia said. "It's so interesting."

"Whatever helps you sleep at night, Bianchi," He said jokingly as he entered the History of Magic classroom.


"And now we come to the end of our discussion of the Giant War." Professor Binns looked around the class to see only one student awake and listening to the class: Giorgia Bianchi.

The bell rang to signify the end of the class. All of a sudden, as if Giorgia was in the story of Sleeping Beauty, everyone magically woke up from their slumber. All, except for one.

"Black?" Giorgia said, poking Sirius's arm. "Are you alive?" She gently shook him. "Wake up, Black. Wake up." He didn't wake up.

Giorgia was debating whether to yell at him or let him sleep, when she saw a spell written on her desk. She knew it wasn't a regular English word, because it sounded more Latin. She knew that because she learned Latin.


Taking a deep breath, she pointed her wand at Sirius and said, "Sectum-" When she stopped in her words, realising where she had heard it before. Screamed spells in a speedy pursuit. The darkness of the cold British air. A piercing scream. Her scream.

She stepped back from the desk on which the spell was written. "No,no,no," She whispered to herself. "Dio mio-"

She was interrupted by a yawn behind her. Sleeping Beauty had finally woken up due to some miracle.

"Is it over?" Sirius yawned as he stood up from his seat and grabbed his satchel.

"Well, maybe the fact that every other sane person fled for their life as soon as the bell rang should tip you off, Black," Giorgia said a little too sarcastically.

"Then why are you here, Bianchi?" Sirius said with his omnipresent smirk. "Were you watching me sleep?"

"In your dreams, Black," She said, sticking her tongue out at him. "Besides, all I wanted was directions to wherever the Care of Magical Creatures class is held."

"Are you sure that's all you wanted?" Sirius said, his smirk widening, if that was even possible.

Giorgia pointed her wand threateningly at him. "I learned a new, really bad spell today, and I'm not afraid to use it on you, Black."

"Oh really?" He said, with a look of mock surprise. "Then use it."

"I would, but I've no time to waste Dark magic on you," She said jokingly as she walked out of the classroom, but she knew that her words held a ring of truth. A ring that she felt was far too big, shiny and laden with diamonds.

She was still laughing to herself about the 'Dark magic' statement, when she met someone's eyes from across the hallway: Mulciber, that Slytherin that would have caused a lot of trouble if it weren't for another Slytherin.

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