ı 04 ı Take me to the Grave

Start from the beginning

I let out a gasp of fear as I finally force myself to look down, staring wide-eyed at the empty coffin that lays before me. "Oh my god," I gasp, bringing my shaky, pale fingers up to my lips.

The coffin is perfectly clean on the inside, perfectly empty. It's been ridden of any dirt, or signs of death. It almost looks as if it were just bought from the casket outlet. As it all sets in, I begin to feel a mixed array of emotions. For one, I am shocked beyond belief that for once in my life something extraordinary has come my way. It's a miracle that James is alive, and slowly do I feel myself becoming overjoyed at the fact that his image isn't a hallucination, but very much indeed real. However, beneath the surface of all the joy is there a dark part that scolds me for not believing him, for not believing myself.

"It's all real," I whisper in shock. 

"Blair, listen to me," Caroline says slowly. "You can take all the time you need to process what you need to, but you can't shake the facts. I know this isn't anything scientific, but James came back from the dead, and Damon and Bonnie died. That is the truth, and I'm sorry," she says, nearly breaking out into tears herself. 

"It just happened so fast," I explain. "That night, it happened so fast and I have been so use to my mind playing tricks and the fear of the Travellers messing with me."

"You have every right to be confused Blair," Caroline says. "But you have to remember to think of the facts. Each time you feel yourself slipping away, doubting reality you need to pull yourself back. Think of an anchor." 

"An anchor?" I ask, confused. 

"Yes, something to bridge your thoughts back to reality." 

I purse my lips, thinking about something that connects me to this world and all that has become of it. Suddenly, I glance back at Theo who sits patiently behind us. 

"It's Theo," I say, smiling. "I didn't expect to become a parent, yet I've been doing it. That didn't feel real at first either, but now it's just who I am. James being here and Damon being gone is just something else that I'm going to have to accept and make the most out of." 

Caroline smiles and pulls me in for a hug. "I'm proud of you Blair. You've been through so much." 

I give her a squeeze before releasing her, holding her shoulders. "So have you, you know. I'm sorry that you had to go through losing Bonnie again." 

"Yeah, I just wish Stefan was here. It's become so lonely around here. Elena's off to medical school, my mom is still in Mystic Falls. Alaric is a professor at my university and Matt and Tyler are still kicking around. It just isn't the same," she says with a frown. 

I rub her arm. "Stefan didn't tell you where he was going, did he?" 

She shakes her head. "I knew he wanted to escape for a bit, but I haven't heard from him," she says. "Do you think he'll be okay?" 

I nod, trying to sound confident. "I think so," I say. "He's a Salvatore after all." I smile. 

Caroline smiles slightly, however it feels like she's hiding something. "Was there something going on between you and my brother?" I ask curiously. 

She rolls her eyes. "We haven't kissed if that's what your thinking. But he's become an important person in my life. We've helped each other through a lot, and I want to be part of his life." 

I nod in understanding. "Yeah, I know what you mean. If I hear from him I'll let you know." 

"Okay," Caroline says. "Are you leaving for home so soon?" 

"Atlanta isn't home Care," I say, packing up my shovel. "Not to mention the drive is quite long."

I've surprised myself by saying Atlanta isn't my home, but I know it's the truth. I don't want to admit that I've given up on Mystic Falls, but I want things to go back to semi-normal, whatever that means. Not just for my sake, but for Caroline's as well. 

"I know this whole Traveller boarder thing sucks, but I promise you I'll look into it," I assure her. 

Caroline sends me a grateful smile before closing the trunk of my car. For now, I don't think about what happened or all that could be. For now I only think about right here, right now and the facts that present themselves to me: Caroline is my best friend, James is alive and back from the dead, Stefan has disappeared to heal and Damon and Bonnie have passed. 

I take in a deep breath and give Caroline one last smile before hopping into my car with Theo in the back seat and drive away.


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[completed & edited: 09/26/2021]

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