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"I want you to be the leading actress in this film I'm making," James said, his voice sounding so enigmatic.

We were in his compact office with lots of cluttered stuff hanging around. His room smelled of eggs and dough but in a nice way. He had a box of pizza laying on the corner of his table. I went to get one slice and ate it.

"Thought you already had lunch," James said quizzically.

I rolled my eyes. "What? I'm hungry."

"Okay, back to what I was talking about. This movie is basically about a lost girl trying to find meaning in her life. So she traveled to various places and did some things to make her. .."

I stopped James from talking by waving the slice of pizza in front of him. "Yeah, tell me how is that different from Paper Towns?"

He smiled and continued, "Well, first, the protagonist is a girl,. . ."

I sniggered and devoured another mouthful.

"Wait!! Let me finish. She's like you, if you don't mind me saying."

I couldn't control my laughter anymore. "Like me in what way?"

"Like you prefer girls over boys," he suggested.

"Oh, I get it. She's gay."

"Yeah, more likely," James said. "But she doesn't know it yet in the story."

I continued on laughing. "I don't know, James. It seems like a cliché story for me."

"No, read the script, you'll love it. I swear," he said as he handed me a copy.

I was not really convinced. "I'm not really looking for anything to do yet before Christmas."

"Oh, don't worry. Filming will start next year if you like. I can talk to the guys about this," he suggested.

Guys. The producers. Wow. James was really persistent.

"The protagonist in the story tried committing suicide," James carried on. "But before she does that, she goes out and does the things she loves for the last time."

It made me have second thoughts. It was a wonderful story, that I had to admit.

James continued, "I just think you'd be perfect for the role."

He was still handing out the folded script to me. I shook my head in disbelief as I accepted it.

"Think this through, I'll give you tonight, then let me know," he said.

I opened the script and read the first page.

Written by Samantha Williams

"Sam?" I asked, completely astonished. "She wrote this?"

I really thought she was just a friend of James'.

I looked at James and he was smiling like a mad person.

"Yes, she might be weird sometimes but she's a genius, Cara. Read it. It's amazing," he answered.

"Okay," was all I could answer.

I wasn't sure whether I was just nice to James about this or was really more interested or intrigued that Sam wrote the script.

"I'll think about it," I agreed as I stood up, ready to leave.

"Thank you, Cara," he said as he embraced me goodbye.


"What are you reading?" Gigi asked as she sat down on the couch next to me.

"It's nothing, really," I immediately said, hiding the script from her.

"Are you doing another movie? I thought you were going to take a breather first."

I drank the cocktail from the table. I sighed and just gave her a wide eye.

"I'm worried about you, Car," she said. "We're always here for you, you know that, right?"

I looked at her in disbelief. "What?! I'm completely fine."

"If you say so," she replied, not sounding convinced at all.

I went to put the script inside my bag to avoid my friend's question. It's not that I was going to do the film anyway. But I just found myself so deeply engrossed on the story Sam wrote. Could it be possibly about her? I mean, I could literally see Sam fit into the character's description.

I shook my head. But she's not gay, I thought to myself. She couldn't be.

"Hey, hey, hey, get your asses off that couch and let's go to the afterparty!" Taylor shouted, half-drunk.

"There's an afterparty??!" I asked, oblivious. I was excited to go home and finish reading.

"Didn't I mention it this lunch?" Kendall asked.

"No, you didn't," I answered.

"Must have slipped my mind, sorry," she said with a sly smile.

"Come on!" Gigi giggled uncontrollably as she pulled me by the hand.

I know they were only making me feel better. So I had to go with them. They're all I've got now.

I SEE YOU NOW (A Cara Delevingne Fanfic) GxGTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang