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(Warning: A bit of sexual content)

Cara and I decided to visit Elise in the hospital one day. We were happy that the operation has made Elise better than before. She was no longer always lying in bed. Her friends from the cancer institute also came to visit her that day.

Elise was a bit shocked when she saw Cara but I could see she was smiling. And it seemed funny how she didn't bring up about Rooney visiting her but brought up about Cara when Rooney visited.

Cara seemed to be enjoying herself around children. She was now telling them a horror story, which, unbelievably, the children also love.

I guess I had been staring at Cara for a long time, I didn't notice Mrs. Roberts behind me.

"Cara's a nice girl, Sam," she said, smiling like a supportive mother. "Are you two going out now?"

What Mrs. Roberts said got me thinking if Cara and I were really going out publicly or just in secret, like what Rooney and I used to be.

I just smiled and Mrs. Roberts smiled back. I guess she understood what words couldn't explain.

When we barged outside the hospital building, Cara and I saw one or two paparazzis on one corner taking pictures of us. Cara ignored them as we headed toward her car.

Then Cara held my hand as we walked, the spaces between our fingers fit our hands perfectly. I was slightly surprised. What if the paparazzis took photos of us holding hands? And now when I began to think of it, the paparazzis apparently had as I looked at them shooting pictures after pictures as Cara and I walked, hand in hand.

When we were near Cara's car, I began to converse in a soft whisper.


"Yeah?" she answered back.

"I... Aren't you scared if the whole world knows that we're... you know... together?"

What I asked made Cara a bit bewildered but her frown then turned into a smirk. She pulled me for a kiss and it was a long steamy one.

Then she broke off, leaving me wanting more, as she whispered while smiling from ear to ear, "I want them to know that you're mine."

I couldn't contain my happiness. It was like a love never ventured before. I was never fond of public display affection. But I always needed love whenever I needed it. And Rooney was only available in hiding. Cara's different. She loved me as much as she'd never be afraid that everyone would know. And I love her like that.

Later that day, we spent our afternoon together in Cara's apartment, just playing Call of Duty or Super Mario Kart. To other people, we might seemed boring. But to us, it was fun. It was love.

That night, we went to Clifftown again and chatted endlessly about the things that seemed to matter now.

I also just found out that Cara would be doing the story I wrote. And that she'd be starting in February next year. It was both weird and perfect. Weird because the writer and actor are now dating. But perfect because Cara would be amazing for the role.

"I have this very sad playlist on Spotify," I said, out of nowhere, as I twirled a strand of Cara's hair. I came up with the topic because we were still singing Kodaline's The Answer that we heard before we arrived at Clifftown.

Cara's head was placed just below my shoulder as we laid on the hood of her car, just enough distance so I could smell the fragrance from her hair.

"You do?" Cara asked in a surprised tone.

"It's not entirely a sad playlist... There are songs in there with upbeat tempos.. But the lyrics are sort of depressing."

Cara broke into laughter. "And you listen to those?"


Then I went on, "I also have this playlist with mellow love songs in it."

Cara lifted her head to look at me.

"But it's not really that amazing," I immediately interjected as Cara was about to open her mouth.

"Well, try me."

I bit my lips then I gave in as I pulled something inside of my bag.

"What is this?" Cara asked as she held the thing with her hands.

"It's a headphone splitter," I explained as I went to get two headphones from my bag as well. "So that you can both listen to the song through both ears."

I could see awe etched on Cara's face. "This is amazing. How come I only know this now?"

I shook my head and laughed.

We played Hummingbird by Nevershoutnever.

We were silent as we listened to the songs from the playlist I created. It was nice that she was intently listening to them. She wasn't even making a noise.

We just interlocked our fingers absentmindedly. Looking at the stars from the sky above. Looking at the lights from the alive city below us. Looking at our feet as we shook them absentmindedly or sometimes in synchronization. This is what love feels like. Doing nothing but enjoying every moment of it.

When Joe Brooks' April Winds played against our ears, Cara turned her head to look at me. I could see her piercing blue eyes looking through mine and they were beautiful. I leaned in and kissed her forehead, then her nose. When I kissed her lips, her left hand began to hold my head in place as she kissed me back. It was like in romantic films. Making out on the hood of the car. Not caring if we were outside. Thankfully though, we were the only ones there.

I didn't know what happened next. The next thing I knew, we were inside Cara's car and she was on top of me on the car seat as we went on eating each other out.

My hands roamed around her lovely body while hers were still holding my head in place, afraid I'd let go. I didn't know what got into me but my right hand snaked into her back, inside her pants. And I began to touch her, making her moan unexpectedly. She was wet and it was nice to know I did that.

Cara broke off from the kiss as I teasingly touched the outside of her folds. I could see her mouth open and I leaned forward again to kiss her. What she did next surprised me. She pushed her hips down, making my fingers enter the insides of her.

Cara held my shoulders tight as she moaned from the pleasure. I just stared at her as she enjoyed riding me. She was gyrating her hips, letting out moans that also turned me on.

I went to put my fingers deeper into her and and she let out a small scream. I could feel that her hold on my shoulder tightened as her body shook. And she lost it.

The whole car was probably shaking. We didn't care anymore. We were making love and that's what mattered.

Cara's hips moved faster as her mouth began to kiss me, making moans louder than before.

"Sam," she moaned as she grabbed a fistful of my shirt.

I could feel Cara coming into my hand as she arched her back, breaking off from the kiss. She threw her head back with closed eyes and mouth agape. A perfect view.

I SEE YOU NOW (A Cara Delevingne Fanfic) GxGWhere stories live. Discover now