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Jonnys POV

I adjusted my flower crown once again because this fucker was getting directly on my last fucking nerve I couldnt take it no more so I flung it off and threw it.

Me and Paige peaked through the door there sat Gee and Frank. I squeal silently and Paigeys mouth dropped. Then it all stopped. Frank looked at the slightly cracked door.
"The doors not closed and I feel a pair of eyes watching us but I cant see anyone." Frank stated.

Gee got up as me and Paige darted towards the stair case. We ran down this has got to be something Desi knows. We ran to the living room where Desi was sitting on the couch with her and Andys suitcases and them being lovey Dovey. Paige pulled Desi off the couch.

"What the fuck are you doing paige!" Desi stated harshly.

"I have news you need to fucking know!" Paige basiclly screamed quietly.

I looked at Andy and he gave me a confused look. I gave him a shrugged shoulders and a look that said 'I know nothing' and he bought it.

I sat down next to Andy and just started talking.

Desi POV.

"What did you see!" I said dramatically.

"I saw Gee and Frank going at it!" paige cried out.

I walked away thinking thats deffinatly not true. I walked to the kitchen to make me some cereal when Uncle Mikey yelled.

"Time to bored the bus you moronic peasants!"

I grabbed my box of cereal and headed for the bus. My luggage was already packed in the bus. We all got on and thats when I seen my dad. He looked like the devil just told him his future and he said that hes doom or some shit.

"Hey, Can I talk to you later?" I asked him.

He shakingly said "Yes Any time."
What was going on with Gee? Did that really happen? What Paige told me was true? I did a double take and Paige was sittinf at the small table laughing and mocking "Told you!" I playfully flicked her off. I walked back into my bunk where there Andy sat in nothing but his skinney jeans and playing on his phone. I admit he hot as fuck and im a lucky girl to have him. I walked to the bathroom and applied more eyeliner just when I got in there here came a pregnant Lindsay rushing in to the bathroom forcing me out.

"Oh thanks Bathroom hog!" I sarcasticlly said.

Lindsay said through throwing up.

"Its your.... Fath...ers...fault for... hermonial.... An...d........sick!" she said through puking which isnt a pleasant sight to hear nor see.

I walked away from the bathroom door and the bus jerked to a halt. I went flying to the floor.

"MOTHERFUCK!" I screamed.

I then tasted blood from where my lip had hit the ground a busted open.

"Great! Just Fucking Great!" I said sarcasticlly.

I got up and went to the freezer to find an ice pack.

"Shit!" there wasent one.

I walked back to my bunk amd there Andy was he sat up as I appeared in thw bunk.

"What the fuck happened!" he asked frantically.

He jumped up and ran to the freezer.

"Theres no ice packs I checked." he walked back.

"What happened?" he asked again.

"Well the bus kinda came to a stop and I was walking into the kitchen and I hit the floor."

He pulled me into his lap and kissed me over and over. I kept giggiling and he kept tickiling me. We ended up on the floor him kissing and tickiling me and I kept laughing and couldnt stop.

"CHILDREN!" Gee called angerly.

Andy stoped and we stared at each other and gave each other a look saying 'I didnt do it!' we got up and I jumped on Andys back. We walked into the kitchen where Gee stood.

"Who the fuck ate my cookies!" he said looking at me and Andy.

Paige stumbled out of her room and had chocolate chips and crumbs all over her.

"Im going to kill you!" he said charging at paige.

Paige took off to her bunk and the bus jerked to a halt. Gee ran face first into a door and fell to the ground. He was now a puddle of range and revenge

"Who the fucks driving this damn bus!" Gee demanded.

I jumped up and walked back to the bunks with Andy hand in hand.

He laid down and I laid right beside him. He played with my hair and it was adorable. I kissed his cold hands and laid there just talking to him all night. Tommarrow was the concert night. I was so scared plus tommarrow was my 18th birthday and Andy said he was taking me somewhere special. Which I wasent sure where. Me and Paige stayed up intell midnight just to wish each other a happy birthday. I laid back down and I fell asleep in Andys arms tommarrow was going to be a good day.

Hey hoes I know the last two chapters have been short but I promise the next chapters will be longer cause I owe it to you guys..... STAY CREEPY FRIENDS!!!!

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 28, 2016 ⏰

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