Court Day.

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Paige POV
I walked in to the court house and was completly nervous. I deffinatly didnt wanna go back to my mom. I actually shouldnt call her that she should be 'Jenna' cause she never cared about me and Desi anyways.
"Dont be so nervous, Paige." I heard Frank say as he grabbed my sweaty hand.
I was honestly scared. I didnt know what to do. I sat next to Desi. I also felt really bad for what me and Kiara were doing to her but this was all part of the plan.
"Hey, can I talk to you outside the court room?" Mikey said.
Mikey grabbed my hand guiding me towards the door.
"JENNA V.S GERARED!" A loud raspy voice yelled through the court room.
Mikey let my hand slip from his grasp I ran back and quickly found my seat next to Frank and was on the edge of my seat.
"So Mister Way it says here on your record you've had problems with drugs?"
Gerared shook his head yes and studder.
"Yes I have your honor but believe me when I say ive been clean for over ten years."
The judge gave gee a curtain glare and turned to Jenna.
"Miss, you have a clean record besides some driving tickets but thats all I see."
The judge started signing some papers.
"Look Mister judge, Jenna has some problems with Drugs abuse, Acholic abuse, and she beats them girls, Plus prostitution and many more things that the girls shouldnt be going through. Let alone exposed too. I thought you would like to know this before you make any wrong descions."
Gee put his head down.
"How dare you lie on me!" Jenna blurted out.
"Ive heared enough the girls are to go home with Jenna end of this case!"
Gee fell to the ground and started crying. Me and Desi ran to our dad and hugged him.
"Dad don't let her take us!" Desi  cried out with screaming pain.
I was standing there like an idiot my body was numb. Single tears started falling hitting the wooden tile.
Mikey handed Desi a comic book. Apparently it was special addition or something Mikey said something about that. Two big security guards grabbed me and Desi.
They dragged us into thw parking lot and practically threw us into Jennas car. It smelled like a mixture of beer and pot. With a hint of dirty socks and old person. Im just guessing I dont know if thats what it really was but hey you never know.
I looked back at Desi as she cried silently. Jenna got in the car. She started the car and as we got out of the parking lot she started to yell.
"You bitches, you know what I had to do! What I fucking had to do to get you back. You bitches will suffer for what happened here today. You know I need that welfare money for you bitches!!" she screamed making Desi and I to despise her even more.
She pulled in to the drive way of the house that needed to be condimed for the shape it was in. I have never known how it wasent already.
"Go to the basement and dont come out!" We headed to the basement.
"Give me your phones!" She demanded.
I held mine out for her but Desi didnt.
"My dad has my phone." She mumbled.
Jenna brought her arm up and smacked her as hard as she could.
"That bastard is not your father and never will be!"
Jenna kicked the back of my knee sending me falling down the stairs and trying to grab on to Desis back pack which accidently made her fall with me. I landed on the ground halfway blocking my head from hitting on the floor. Desi landed on top of me which was more painful on my behalf even though she didnt weigh barley nothing. Jenna slammed the door shut behind us and all I could do is sit there and cry out in pain I was a complete idot.
"Im sorry Desi!" I blurted out between sobbs.
"What do you mean your sorry?" She questioned me.
"I mean im sorry about being a total bitch and making your few days of fame shitty as fuck!" I said.
I really meant it. Me and Kiara shouldve never been that mean. I hugged my sister. She pushed me away.
"Why did you do that?" I asked I really was sorry but I dont think she would actually accepted it.
"My phone went off." She whispered in my ear.
I knew she didnt want mom knowing so she had to whisper it.
"Hello?" She asked the person on the phone.
"Dad!" She said exclaimed while still wispering.
"Shes locked us in a basment and im scared of what she'll do next." She started to she'd a few tears while talking.
"Come get us!" She said with a shaky tone in her voice.
"12243 milberrieo street!" Just then the door unlocked.
"WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS!" Jenna said snatching the phone out of desi hand.
She threw the phone across the room and went after Desi. Desi took off running down the hallway. Desi was now curled up in a ball in the corner of the room while Jenna hit her repeatingly.
"GIRLS!" Someone shouted from above the stair case.
"Hurry down here! Shes beating my sister!" I cried out.
They came running down the stairs when they stopped in there tracks.
Desi was beaten black and blue while Jenna was fleeing out the basment door.

"Your My What?"Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ