Chapter Twenty Eight ~ She Looks Happy

Start from the beginning

“Alright ladies… you need to go out for sound check. Remember that there will be people out there because of contests and what not, so do your best to ignore them.” Dylan said. I rolled my eyes, I won’t be ignoring them. I’m going to talk to them and shit. I like talking to fans because it’s really cool.

                I followed Caitlin out into the stage and looked around. It was a pretty big arena, we’re playing at the IZod center. There’s a big space at the end of the stage were girls are standing. When they saw us they started to scream and what not. Thank God I have the earpieces. I know how loud teenage girls can scream.

“Hi guys! What’s up?” Liz asked, walking to the edge of the stage. They all said different things, but I mostly picked up that they were all good.

“Great… aw… who’s this?” Liz asked, looking at a little girl. She must only be about five or so. Why is she at a concert? Aw, she must be a big fan then.

“This is my daughter, Cecilia. She’s a big fan of yours.” An older woman said.

                She must be such a good mother for doing this. Especially for a five year old. Liz  hopped off the stage and started walking over to them. Dylan is going to be mad. You know what, oh well. I wanna meet some fans.

“Do you wanna picture, Cecilia?” Liz asked, bending down at the little girl’s height. The girls and guys crowding around her looked shocked, which was kind of funny. I jumped off the stage and walked over to where Liz was. She picked up the girl and waved Caitlin and me over. I ran over and looked behind me, surprised to see Caitlin already over here.

“Alright, let’s make silly faces.” Caitlin said. We all pulled a silly face as the camera flashed, making the little girl smile.

“Would anyone else like a picture?”

                We ended up taking a picture with everyone, which took a while. I wanted to talk to everyone and I did try to. I was able to talk to a lot of them, which was amazing. I mean they’ve all done so much for us and we can only give a little back. If this makes the fans happy, then I’ll do this for hours on end.

                Unfortunately Dylan came out when he heard no music, and told us that we had to come in. Don’t get me wrong, Dylan’s a great manager but sometimes when we are on a tight schedule he gets a little bossy. But I can’t blame him… I guess it gets stressful.

“Sorry guys, we better go and sing a little.” Liz said, waving goodbye to the group of fans. I waved and turned towards the stage walking towards it. Liz beat me up, but I did beat Caitlin. I stuck my tongue out at her and she flipped me off. Pretty nice, eh?

“Hey wait, Liz!” Someone called out. We all looked out, almost as if whoever yelled Liz’s name was speaking to all of us. She walked a little closer to the stage, but not to close. She looked about thirteen or so, maybe twelve.

“I just want to say that I love Niz, and this Nindy shit should not be going around.” The girl said. My eyes widened a little but at her language, but I guess it’s also this day and age.

“Well thanks. That means a lot to me. I’m glad you ship it.” Liz said, smiling. I knew it meant a lot to her that someone liked her and Niall together. I guess it gives her hope or whatever. I don’t know… I can’t read minds. Oh but how would it be if I could.


Okay, crappy place to end it. Sorry. I just want to let you all know that the next few chapters might be fillers and kind of boring. The way the tours work they don’t met up till California and well… they are only in New Jersey. So yeah… haha.

Anyway… I want to publish a new book but I’m not sure if I should. Can you all read the description and tell me what you think, thanks! Here’s the description.

                Liam Payne and Bella Montachello were childhood best friends. They did everything together and they were extremely close. Bella was there for both of his X Factor auditions and supported his every move. Even the move that tore him away from her. That made him move to London, and begin his career as Liam Payne, from One Direction.

                Unfortunately she never got to tell Liam her biggest secret. The secret that no one outside her family knew. She wanted to tell him, she wanted to tell him about the years of mental abuse her father put Bella and her mother through. The constant fighting at home, and all the other things her father has done. But she never got the chance.

                Flash forward three years.                    

                Bella is on her way to the top of her fashion career. After graduating early, she moves to the city of London to work with the CEO of a major fashion agency. When a problem at the agency erupts and Bella is thrown in front of the camera. Her life changes.

                When magazines and fires bring these two back together, what will happen? Will their friendship become whole again? Will their friendship become more, or will a girlfriend get in the way? Will her father’s reckless way affect Bella more than she thought?

“It’s not the heights I’m afraid of… it’s falling.”

Okay, so there it is. There’s not much else to say… I’ll try and get the next chapter up by Wednesday so keep your eyes open.

Please VOTE and COMMENT my lil’ Gummy Worms!


--The picture on the side is the girls!! 

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