Chapter 6

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I was sleeping so well when I heard my phone ringing, I didn't recognise the number but answer it anyway.


-Hi (Lydia)

-Hi I called because I saw that you might have a room to rent, am I right? (Man)

-Yes I do, you want rent the room? (Lydia)

-I would love to! When can I go to there put all my stuff? (Man)

-I have this morning free,so.....(Lydia)

-Okay see you there then! (Man)


Well at least the call was worth it and now we have a full house,no parties because the new people in the house wouldn't like it and this is obviously rules made by Kira Roast,the comander on this boat.

I go to the kitchen and see Malia already taking the breakfast with Isaac, Kira arrived at the same time as me.

-Good morning sleeping heads! (Isaac)

-Good morning boss when the uncle isn't there who is sleeping in the house of their servants! (Lydia replied in sarcasm)

-Anyone else have something good to say? (Malia)

-Yes I do...We rent the other room! He said that would come here this morning leave his things. (Lydia)

-Good job to us. (Kira)

-I'm sorry dissapoint you but I will help Isaac bring the rest of his things to here, you can take care of him can you?  (Malia)

-Shure but after that I have to go open the bar,it's my turn! (Kira)

-Then Lydia can have a excellent behavior and give him a good welcome's,bye  have a good day see you two in school! (Malia)

-Bye girls! (Isaac)

So I was going to stay alone in the house waiting from someone that I don't even know, I will think this way if he come he have to give me money so I am doing this for money! 


I left the house with Isaac,I was going to meet his parents who are the reason why he is leaving the house. On our way he just talk about how much he wanted to be the boss of the bar, what he was going to change,the way he would do the rules, the drinks...,it was incredible the way he talked about it that make you want to be part of it!

After a couple of minutes we were on his house and as I see it was a beautiful one. When we enter a woman scream his name and run into his arms:

-Hi son,where have you been? Who is this beautiful girl? (Mom)

-Mom this is Malia, she is my friend is working in the bar and she is the one who is going to rent me the room! (Isaac)

-Hi you have a beautiful house madame! (Malia)

-Yeah it's a shame that outside is beautiful because inside is not worth it, the only thing you have here is sadness! (Isaac)

-What can I do for you to stay here with us? (Mom)

-Nothing I change my mind, I am going to leave this house today and I will come here as much as I can! (Isaac)

-Liar after you get out o that door I will never see you again,you are my only child...stay! (Mom)

-I am not your only child,you have Theo don't you! (Isaac)

-Don't mention his name here, is more evil than the devil! (Mom)

-I have to go...(Isaac)

Isaac go upstairs and pickup the only things left in the room and after we get out of the house,I have to ask him about his "brother" worst than devil.

-So Theo what have he done?I am sorry for asking! (Malia)

-He left my parents in debts, he join a group of rebels and hit my parents so we send him away from us forever since then we never can say his name around then as he have died or never existed! (Isaac)

I feel awfull for asking but he has to be done.


Kira have already left the house and the guy didn't shout up, I seat on the couch and then right after I seat the bell ring. I open the door and see the same officer as usually:

-So let's see you already have the right guy who killed the boy what are you doing here? (Lydia)

-I am not here as a officer, I am here to rent the room! (Parrish)

-This is a joke right? You are not the guy I talked on the phone. (Lydia)

-Yes I am so where's the room? (Parrish)

-You can't live here! (Lydia)

-I can and I will, now show me the fucking room or I have to search for myself? (Parrish)

-You can't do that! Can you? (Lydia)

Then he enter there and I was trying to push him out of the house but he was stonger than me, he quickly pick me up on his shoulders and search for the right room when he find it he put me on the bed, for some moments I thought he was going to make sex with me,not that he wasn't hot but he is a officer it was kind of awkard.

Then ....

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