Chapter 1

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This was our first day of college, I swear that I didn't wanted to go but have a house divided with your besties is a big deal.

-Good morning sunshine! (Kira)

-Hi girl so where's Malia? (Lydia)

-I'm here dying not to go, can you say that I'm sick? (Malia)

-Malia we will not do that because you are not sick and your are going with us,now let's go! (Lydia)

We get out of our apartment and Lydia forgot her purse so we have to wait till she gets there again.


I run up stairs and after I came into the apartment I search for my purse and didn't find her,until I heard a knock on the door and go open:

-Girls I told you I was looking for my.... Well hi I thought it was my friends! (Lydia)

-Hi I'm Parrish from police station, can I come in? (Parrish)

-Shure....what do you want from me? I have to go to school! (Lydia)

-It's fast,just one question where were you in the other night? (Parrish)

-Do you really want to know? I was with a boy on a bar... it's there a problema Sir! (Lydia said in sarcasm)

-Yes we do because that boy was found died this morning and we find tracks of you all over his body, so there's something we should know about? (Parrish)

-That tracks where made on a bathroom, do you want me to detail that to you because that would be my pleasure....(Lydia)

Then I see my purse on the couch and told him that I was leaving so did he. He was so gorgeous and sexy, that make have wrong thoughts everytime I see him. I went down and there's Malia and Kira almost killing me with their eyes.

-Where have you been? (Malia)

-I was at the house searching for my purse when a hot officer come and asked me where I was doing last night! I'm sorry now let's go before is too late....(Lydia)

We got in there in time, the bell rang and all I could see was people everywhere talking smilling. We were at our lockers and in one second that noise shut...and every people let pass a girl well did not take long until find her label.


She was really hot but her personality sucks in every way down her body. At her side was two boys, they were beyond normal maybe they are on the football team, because girls like her date players like them. It was easy to know that one of boys are more funny than the other but they seem to be nice.

Now is the time to meet up the all class, let's go Kira it can be worst.

I enter and see that same boys and the girl already seat the teacher as already waiting for us to come in:

-So I supposed you are Malia, Lydia and Kira welcome! (Teacher Damon)

-Thank you! (All said)

We take a seat behind the all class because first Malia would kill us if we go to the first line and second it was the only place where we have three empty seats for us.


We were already on class when three girls come in, they are hotties I look to Scott and he thought the same, they seat on the backs but it wasn't a problem to look back and talk to them.

-So teacher how we are supposed to be seat? (Madison)

-Well I would love if you girl come seat behind this boy....(T.Damon)

-Me... no teacher I'm fine here, but thanks anyway! (Malia)

-I wasn't asking for you to come to here I was ordering! (T.Damon)

-I don't care I am not to go to there, ever! (Malia)

-Good start for a first day,chick! (Madison)

-What did you just called me, your goat bugs! (Malia)

-Girls,calm down now it's not time to fight, Malia you come to here right now! (T.Damon)

I was fine, well one of that three as to be on my radar but this one is fire and I won't be burned and I liked of what she said to Madison she needs to learn that not everybody like what she said or even her.

LOST GIRLS (TEEN WOLF FANFIC)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum