Chapter 2

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My favourite time of the day when the bell rings for the students leave, I get out of the classroom and waited outside for Lydia and Kira, that two are so slow!

After a couple of minutes they come out:

-Finally thought that you two would stay in school! Why do you take so long? (Malia)

-Because we were talking with Scott and Styles, believe us they are really cute and handsome....(Lydia)

-So let's go find a job? (Kira)

-Yeah let's do this, but if my mother find out she will have an heartattack! (Lydia said in sarcasm)

We run all over the city and finally we see a shop that need three employees, we got in and it was a bar, by the look we all see that seems to be nice for teens.


What the hell are Kira and Malia thinking, that bar is a bar for us, teens, to go out make out, not for working everybody will see us working there and will start rumors about us, I don't want that! Before I could stop them they were already talking to someone that was on the balcony:

-Hi we wanted to know if we could work here? (Kira)

-Well I think you all are shure about that? (Isaac)

-You want us or not? (Malia said raising her voice)

-Yes we want all of you! When you can start working? (Isaac)

-We can start now or today! (Kira)

-Just a question, in this bar come too many teenagers from school? (Lydia)

-On this bar, shure they come many of them every night! Do we have a problem with that? (Isaac)

-Not at all, right Lydia! (Malia)

-Well my name is Isaac and I will work with you, what are your names? (Isaac)

-I'm Kira, as you heard this is Lydia and this one is Malia, nice to meet you Isaac.(Kira)

-Yeah let's start working because tonight we will have party here! (Isaac)

I'm going to work on a bar where all the people of school come, I'm ashamed of myself I now that this money is too pay the bills and help each other but this is too far for someone like me, even then I am not going to leave them alone! Let's do this could be worst right?


The time go fast and when we look to the clock it was time to prepare the things for the party, when we saw the name of the guests we almost have some break but then we have a break of sense when we saw that the party was going to be in honor of Madison Morgan that bitch!

We prepare the things and waited for Isaac give us what to do and then he come with three dresses:

-Girls this dresses are a request for the party I will be using a suit because this Madison take the things too serious, I pick this ones I hope you all liked it! (Isaac)

We look to the dresses and we never have any boy who was capable of choosen good outfits for us,how could he possibly exist on this earth....they're perfect for us.

Malia dress:

Lydia dress:

¡Ay! Esta imagen no sigue nuestras pautas de contenido. Para continuar la publicación, intente quitarla o subir otra.

Lydia dress:

Lydia dress:

¡Ay! Esta imagen no sigue nuestras pautas de contenido. Para continuar la publicación, intente quitarla o subir otra.

Kira dress:

Isaac waited for us to some out dressed and already with our makeup on

¡Ay! Esta imagen no sigue nuestras pautas de contenido. Para continuar la publicación, intente quitarla o subir otra.

Isaac waited for us to some out dressed and already with our makeup on. After we get out he open his mouth and said that we were gorgeous and it's a pitty that we are working because if we were not he would take all of us out for a walk. He got in and dress himself to, and he got out we have to admit, Isaac it's a god, he have blue eyes that seem to compel's stunning.

-So what do you all say about me? (Isaac)

-You look like a gentleman a real gentleman! (Kira)

-Thank you, now one of you go with me to the entrance receive the guests and the other two put the music and make drinks, so who is coming with me? (Isaac)

-I am good on making drinks so....I stay! (Lydia)

-And Malia you go with him because as you know I love music...sorry! (Kira)

-No problem...(Malia)


I think I stay with the agressive one, on our way she didn't talk or look at me and when we got there she just look to the names on the list. Resuming I have to say something...

-So Malia right? You look really beautiful in this dress! (Isaac)

-Let me tell you one thing Isaac, I am really good on understand people and let me say  to you that your mouth said "beautiful" but your mind said hot, am I right? (Malia say pulling herself closer to him)

-Maybe and what about me? What your mind says? (Isaac said playing along the game)

-My mind says that after work maybe we can go "for a walk" like you said! (Malia said giving him a kiss on the neck)

-Hi guys,I'm sorry for interropting your thing! (Styles)

-No problem so what's your name? (Isaac)

-Why you don't ask at this girl I'm shure she knows! (Styles)

-No I don't know your name and I don't want to know because I think it's not important for me to be alive! (Malia)

-My name is Styles, I am Madison best friend...(Styles)

-Yeah you can come in, have a good night! (Isaac)

-I am not shure about that some people just make things harder than already are! (Styles)

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