!Elder! Levi X !Elder! Reader (AU)

Start from the beginning

"Does someone have a crush?"

(Daughter's name) asked.

"Oh shut your trap."

She scowled, blushing slightly.

Time Skip

It was lunch time and (f/n) couldn't help but stare at Levi from across the room.

"Someone does have a crush!"

(Daughter's name) announced.

"My God..."

(F/n) muttered.

When they finished, they all went back to her room.

"Okay, fine. I do kind of like him."

(F/n) sighed, sitting on her couch.

"Oh my God..."

Preston whispered, chuckling.

"But it ain't gonna happen."

"Why not?"

"I don't know..."

"Don't worry, grammy. You can just date one of them!"

George, the youngest, pointed to her calendar that had a picture of a shirtless fireman on it.

"I'm too old for those youngins'."

"Then date Mr. Ackerman!"

"Oh Georgie..."

After thinking over what she'd do for awhile, she gave in.

"Fine. I'll go talk to him, later"

"Have you ever talked to him before?"

Her daughter asked.

"Yeah, a few times. He said he lost his wife about the same time your dad died."


"He's also a veteran. Just like your dad was."

"Grandpa was a veteran?!"

All the boys shouted.

"He was."

"How come we didn't know?!"

"Well, you guys would never listen to me when I told stories! Y'all would be too caught up in that... whatcamacallit...? Instasnap!"

"Um. You mean Instagram and/or Snapchat?"


The boys chuckled.

"Well, I'm going."

(F/n) got up and grabbed her cane from beside her.

"Where you going?"

"To talk to Levi."

"You do you, boo!"

Derek called.

"Shut the hell up!"

(F/n) got over to her door and opened it.

Standing there was Levi with his fist up, getting ready to knock.


He mumbled, bringing his fist down and grabbing onto his walker.

"I got you these..."

He held out a bouquet of (color) (favorite flower(s).

"Happy birthday."

He faintly smiled.

"Aw~! Thank you so much! You're so adorable!"

She took the flowers from him with a smile.

Her family watched from the small living room.

George lifted his phone up, snapping a picture of them.


He whispered.


Bit of a shorter chapter but ye.

Thought I'd do something different and make you and Levi older cuz oldies are cute.

Let me know what you think!

And requests are always open so whatever you want to see, I'll make it happen!

(And for those of you who read my other book "Walking Among Spirits", I plan on updating it sometime this week. Sorry it's been a long time. I'm almost done with the chapter, though. Maybe about 60% done? I'd like it to be more than 2.5k words and so far I'm at 1.1k words.)

Well I should go before I babble on more XD


Levi x Reader (ONE-SHOTS)Where stories live. Discover now