↠ safe place

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↝  credence barebone

i did not write this, so I do not take any credits.

word count: 861

written by→ ofnifflersandkings on Tumblr
they're here on wattpad as→ rozetintmyworld

It had been a month since you stumbled across Credence Barebone, a terribly shy young man that ran into you one day as he was running down the city streets.

You went stumbling into him, causing you both to fall over and for the pile of flyers that were in his hands to fly everywhere.

The both of you scrambled to your knees, trying to gather all the papers again, apologizing profusely the entire time. Throughout this chaos, the two of you managed to knock your foreheads together as you reached for the same flyer.

You stopped momentarily, bringing your hand to your head and grimacing at the pain.
"I-I'm really sorry." The young man said, holding his own forehead.

You looked up at him, a moment of silence passed before you started laughing. "It's fine." You managed to muffle out.

Credence looked at your face for a moment, before finding himself laughing as well, not as loudly as you but it was still there.

"I'm sorry about running into you." You said tapping the flyers into a neat pile, noticing they were for the NSPS group you saw around the city sometimes.

"Here." You said, handing them over to him.

"It was my fault really." He explained, standing up and assisting you in doing so as well.

"Well I might as well introduce myself. My name's (Y/n)." You said, adjusting the hat on your head.

"Credence." He said, nodding his head at you. "It's nice to meet you."

"To you as well, so where are you heading?"

"Well, I wasn't really going anywhere. I'm just supposed to stand at street corners and hand these out." He explained, holding up the flyers.

"I see, well would you mind if I kept you company?"

Credence looked over at you with a puzzled expression, but he shook his head. "No I wouldn't mind at all."

The two of you weaved your way through the seas of people, the streets always being crowded at this hour.

After that the two of you saw each other often, weither it was one the streets again or if caught sight of one another in a shop.

You learned a lot about him, how he was usually more of the silent type, carefully observing the people around him than starting conversations.

You learned he had two sisters, Modesty and Chastity. And that his mother wasn't a very wonderful woman, often being cruel to Credence especially.

However you didn't bring it up often, knowing it would make him uncomfortable, despite the sinking feeling you felt knowing he was stuck in such a horrible environment.

"Would you have time to come back to my place? There's a book I think you'd like." You said as the two of your took your daily stroll.
Credence and you shared an admiration for books, them being them being the focal points of your conversations.

"You want me to come over?" He asked, the question being foreign to him.

You nodded. "Yeah, why not? It shouldn't take that long."

Credence didn't answer for a few seconds, trying to calculate if he would have enough time before his mother became suspicious.
"Okay." Came his simple response.

You grinned, gently taking his hand and leading him across the street.

You pushed opened the door, removing your coat and laying it on the back of your armchair.
"Just make yourself at home and I'll be right back." You told Credence, walking off to get the book from your nightstand.

Credence looked around your living room, noticing the bright colors of the wallpaper and the various paintings you had lining the walls.
His eyes continued to flow around the room, stopping at one of your sheleves. There were a bunch of small porcelain animals and other trinkets lining each shelf.

He stepped closer to it, eyes finding a decorative box standing on it's own. He reach foward opening it, heart stopping whenever music started playing. He quickly shut it and moved far away.

"Aha! I found it." You said, walking out of the room with a dark blue paperback book in your hands. "There you are."

Credence took the book from your hands, looking at the bright yellow lettering. "The Great Gatsby?" He asked.

You nodded. "It's a good read, let me know if you like it." You said smiling at him.

He nodded slowly. "Y-yes, I will." He said, tucking the book into his inner coat pocket. "I should probably get going now, my mother worries when I'm gone too long."

You nodded. "Of course, I hope you find your way okay." You said, knowing he wouldn't let you walk him home.

Credence gave you a small smile before heading towards the door, turning the handle and opening.


He turned around, looking at you expectantly. "Yes?"

"You know that if, you just ever want to get away. You're always welcome to come over and stay as long as you like."

Credence's gaze softened and he nodded.

"Thank you." He said looking down at the floor. "I'd appriciate it."

You sighed in relief. "Good, just let me know whenever you need me."

"I will."

full credits to ofnifflersandkings on Tumblr (check them out!)

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