↠ yule ball

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↝  newt scamander

i did not write this, so I do not take any credits.

word count: 817

written by→ newtscamanderimagines on Tumblr
they're here on wattpad as→ flower_violet

It was just announced that there was going to be a Yule Ball in less than a month and you had no idea if you were going to go with anyone. You didn't really have many friends but you had one friend in particular who you wanted to ask you. Newt Scamander the lovely Hufflepuff. You had an undeniable crush on him and he was too shy to ask you to the ball as a date. You were in the library doing some work when you saw Newt in the library, you waved him over and he smiled softly. You had known him since you were both on the train on the way to your first year. As soon as you met him, you thought he was wonderful. He thought you were brilliant. He sat down next to you and looked at your potions text book and learned you were researching the Draught of Living Death. You smiled at him and as you moved your hand, it brushed against his.

"Sorry, sorry! I'm sorry Y/N." He whispered, his cheeks turning red.

"It's okay Newt. Promise." You replied, a pink blush on your cheeks. He looked away awkwardly. You tapped him and pointed to the door, saying you wanted to go. He nodded and got up. As you go out of the library you said, "The Yule Ball, huh?" You said, trying to sound nonchalant.

"Ah yes. It appears I have no one to go with, say, would y-you, um g-g-go t-to t-the ball with, with meme, mem, me? Will y-you go t-to the Ball with m-me?" He asked, silently cursing himself for being such a stuttering idiot. Your cheeks turned pink for a second before he added, "As friends, of course." And your heart shattered.

"Um y-yeah." You said, smiling.

"Oh grilliant!" Newt said, then his face turned to a look of horror, he'd just said "grilliant" what on earth?

"Yes, grilliant." You said, trying to make him feel less awkward. He smiled at your attempt.

It was finally the day of the Ball and you planned out your look so that you would look absolutely gorgeous, and know Newt dead. You had a periwinkle long dress. (Think Hermione's) You had your hair curled so it fell beautifully. You were descending the stairs when you saw Newt, looking very handsome in his suit. He turned around, and when he saw you, he nearly fainted. You saw him stumble a tad when he saw you, which made you blush.

"Y-Y/N, y-you look ab-absolutely b-beautiful." He stuttered, before taking your arm to lead you in.

"You look incredibly handsome tonight, Newt." You replied, smiling. He blushed from your compliment.

"Do you want to dance?" He asked, still glowing from your compliment.

"I'd love to." You replied. You were dancing, well, you had your arms around each other and you were just sort of swaying, to quite a slow song; you had begun staring in to Newt's eyes, and he finally thought he had the courage to tell you what he's been feeling.

"Y/N, would you come outside a second?" He asked, nervously. You nodded and reached out for his hand, which he gave you. When you got outside he was shifting from foot to foot, you knew better than to rush him, so you let him collect his thoughts. "When I erm, when I uh met you Y/N I thought, wow, she's something, I thought you were wonderful. And what I've been hiding for the past, I'm not sure how long, is that um, I have become rather fond of you." He said avoiding your eye contact.

"And I, you." You replied nervously.

"No, I don't mean as a friend. I mean to say that I've fallen in l-love with y-you." He mustered. He was looking at the floor, and you decided to break the tension.

"I'm in love with you too, Newt." You admitted.

His head snapped up.

"Really?" He asked in disbelief.

"Really. How could I not? Newt I love the way you talk about magical creatures, I love how many freckles are splashed over your face and I love your personality. I love every part of you." You said, adoringly, watching his face light up with every word you said.

"I love every part of you too," Newt whispered. You took his hands in yours and he looked at you, eyes meeting. He leaned in slightly, not all the way, he didn't want to seem forward. You met him halfway, feeling his soft lips against your own. He put his hands around your waist and you put yours in his hair, you could feel him tense for a moment before melting in to your touch. You thought you could forget about everyone and everything whilst with him.

full credits to newtscamanderimagines on Tumblr (check them out)

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