Chapter 11 - Collapsed.

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I stood up. My temper is really short. 

I yelled ''Stop looking at me you fucking pervert!''

Isaac walks through very cheerful but he knows that theres a weird atmosphere between us. 

His holding food. Popcorn, chocolate, sweets, crisps, fries! Everything. 

Isaac + Food = LOVE <3

Aiden grabbed my hand and sat me on his lap. 

Tyler and Joey came following Isaac saying ''Ooh, check out the love birds!''

My phone in my left pocket vibrates so I stretch and take out my phone and it's a message from Jacob saying ''You look sexy when your angry ;D ''

I tried to hide it from Aiden because I knew he would've got into a mood and got angry but then Aiden whispers into my ear ''What did Jacob want?'' 

I didn't want to keep secrets from Aiden, I didn't want to risk what we have. 

He reads ''You look sexy when your angry ;D '' from my phone. 

Aiden tries to move me off his lap to the skate park ground but I make him resist. 

''Please babe, no. Don't start with him. '' As I softly kiss him. 

As Isaac passed and shared the food he asked to speak to me privately. I agreed. 

I kissed Aiden on the cheek and we walked to the shops. 

Aiden called and asked for me to get some cigerattes from the shop. He pulled out his wallet and I refused to take it and ran. 

Isaac softly said ''Babe what's up between you, Aiden and Jacob? I can see somethings up.. ''

I knew he would've got the truth out eventually so I just showed him the messages. 

He was gobsmacked. He kept saying ''Wow! I can't believe Jacob who I've known for ages would say that to you! We always made a pact about not going for mate's exes! And plus you and Aiden are still dating and let's hope it's a happy ending.. Wow!''

What was I supposed to do? I had to tell him, one way or another. This is Isaac, the baby of the group - the cheeky one and he will eventually know and he will be angry that he never knew and he would probably be one of the last ones to know.

So we got more food. And some more. I bought Aiden some fags as he requested. 

We walked back and Aiden come and hugged me with a light peck on the lips. Jacob stopped and stared and let out a little ''Bleurgh. ''

We looked at him then at each other. Aiden moved his tongue to the right side of inside of his lips and looked up in frustration.  

''Look traitor, you got something to say? Dickhea.. '' Aiden yelled at Jacob. 

He chuckled and said ''Speaking to me? Traitor hey? Your the one bringing this fucking slut inbetween us guys. What happened to bros before hos? Misters before sisters? Huh?''

I spoke out and said ''Me, slut? So why you texting me saying I look sexy when I'm angry huh? You fucker!'' 

Isaac also spoke out and said ''You've changed.. Who are you? I've seen what you've done. To Jess. ''

Me, Aiden and Isaac walked away. Tyler kept his head down and walked knowing he was wrong but just wanted to stay schtum. Joey looked at Jacob in shame and followed behind us. 

Jacob shouted ''So, your going to leave me then, huh?''

Joey and Tyler stopped. Joey screamed ''You've bought this on yourself. ''

Joey and Tyler whispered to Isaac ''We knew about all this and we were going to tell you but then you went off with Jess.. Sorry. ''

I thanked Joey, Tyler and Isaac for sticking up for me and that they didn't have to leave him.. They could've stayed with him because they've been best friends for ages.  

Aiden was holding my waist and kissing the back of my head. 

I turned around and Aiden was still holding my waist. I looked deeply into Aiden's beautiful, sexy, light eyes and kissed him, Aiden's hands moved up to hold my jaw on both sides. 

Isaac and Tyler groaned and walked on. Joey just chuckled and looked down and followed Isaac and Tyler. As they groaned and laughed, the noise disturbed mine and Aiden's kiss as we removed our lips away. We giggled and Aiden grabbed my head into his chest. 

I whispered into Aiden's chest. ''Thank you baby.''

I squashed something in Aiden's denim jacket. He picked it out of the little pocket and it was the fags box I bought for him and he only had two left! 

I whacked him shocked that he nearly finished them all! We laughed and I just rested my head on Aiden's chest while Aiden grips my hips as I hear.. 


T H U M P   T H U M P.  

T  H  U  M  P       T  H  U  M  P.  

T    H   U   M   P      T   H  U   M   P

T         H     U     M    P     T    H   U    M    P 

Before I knew it, Aiden's grip was loosening up. 

Aiden fell to the ground and whispered ''Jess, please don't leave m.. ''

I scream ''Joey! Tyler! Isaac! Help! It's Aiden! Please babe,  don't go!! '' as salty substances crept out of my tear duct. 

Joey, Tyler and Isaac ran to us, they said ''What happened?'' I replied ''He just fell. ''

Joey was talking to Aiden sayin ''Mate, please wake up! Tyler call the ambulance!''

CLICK CLICK CLICK. ''Hello? I need a ambulance on 37 Terrance Road. My friend just collapsed! Please hurry! '' Tyler spoke. 

''Please Aiden, don't leave me. I love you. Please, just wake up.. '' As a flood of salty substances ran down  my cheeks. 

Strangers came and tried to helped us. No respond. The ambulance came and Isaac trying to pull me away from Aiden as the ambulance came. They were checking him while I was wrapped in Isaac's arms cuddling me.

 ''Hurry, take him to hospital! Critical! '' The ambulance woman shouted to the ambulance man. 

I ran into the ambulance with Joey whilst Tyler and Isaac were following us a cab. 

I gripped Aiden's palm and said ''Babe, I will never leave you. '' whilst hastily wiping my tears with my hand.  

''Aiden? Please don't leave me. I, I, I love you. '' was the last thing I said to Aiden before was rushed to 'Accidents & Emergencys'. The double doors flushed open and the nurse nor doctor allowed me or Joey to come in. I just watched, behind the blinds in the waiting room whilst Joey pulled me to his chest. Isaac and Tyler came rushing through behind us and then Joey gave Isaac some money to go get some hot chocolates and coffees. 

When Isaac returned with the hot drinks, that's when we found out.. 

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