Chapter 6 - Knuckles.

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It was Mom.

She seen me.

A little part in my heart lit up. I thought she would happily take me home.

Once again, I WAS WRONG!

She seen me and spat in my direction.

As people were just plonking the money down, my eyes were concentrating on Mom.

I watched as she walked away from me.

I was furious! I picked up my money and moved on.

I went straight to the train station.

I bumped into Ginger and I bought a one way ticket.

It cost £4.50.

Ginger bought a day pass and he came with me.

He suggested a place.

I would've went anywhere.

I said to him I will explain on the way.

We were here.

A place called..


Suprisingly, Ginger owned it and was planning on telling me today.

He gave me training at Knuckles and had plenty more to come.

I felt so proud of myself.

I felt stronger.

Knuckles was for self defence.

This was all about fighting.

After a training lesson, Ginger made me get changed back into my acid washed jeans, jersey top, leather jacket and my converses.

And found my Rimmel mascara on so I slipped that on once I dried my eyes from crying.

He booked me a place at the school for my education.

The school was called Denmark Secondary.

I thought I would never fit in.

It sounded to posh.

Ginger lied to the school and said he was my Guardian.

The headteacher Mrs Edwards - was giving me a tour.

Of the school. We were going through the science corridor.

Mrs Edwards opened the door. Everyone looked back as Mrs Edwards said this is your science class.

My eyes hit his eyes.

His eyes were greeny brown. They're he was looking gorgeous, I-I- mean his eyes!

He was hooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooot though!!

He looked at me and gave me a cheeky smile.

He looked at me up and down and I was blushing, I just looked down and then he gave another little smile and laughed.

Mrs Edwards goes ''Well, you'll fit right in as Aiden will be looking after you. ''

Aiden looked up at me and stood out of his chair and put his hand out to handshake me.

Mrs Edwards says ''Aiden, Jessica, Jessica, Aiden. ''

Kidnapped. (ZaynMalik&SelenaGomez FanFic.)Where stories live. Discover now