Chapter 5 - Ace.

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There I am as a nervous wreck.  
The guy was screwing. Shouting in my precious ear.  
My heart was racing, not lying - I think my heart skipped a beat. - I know it's cheeeeeessssy! :/

He said in his husky voice..  
''Get up now. I said now!''  
Without controlling my actions, I got up.  
He says in a smooth yet husky voice..  
''Just joking, kiddo.. So you new here then? What made you change your life from having such a great life to joining the streets, eh?  
I stood up tall knowing he was a good guy.  
''The bitch, I have to call Mom.''  
He replied..  
''Woaaaah, only asking don't bite my head off!'' 
As we both sat down lying our backs against the cold, hard, wet surface they call a wall.  
He was trying to convince me to go back home 'cause in about a week, I would struggle.  
He was saying I was a classy girl and that living on the streets is difficult.
Thinking.. Was he a pervert? :/ 
I said to him..
''Just leave it.. I'm not going home.'' 

Not mentioning anything I asked him ''What's your name?'' 
He said he never mentions his real name but people call him 'Ginger.' 
Ginger? I repeat after him. 
He says ''Yeah, what about you?'' with a little smile.  
I said ''Jessica but people call me Jess.'' 
He chuckled. I forced smiled.  
He was like ''If I wanna survive, then I'd need a nickname. Just like he did - Ginger.''
He wondered Ace.  
I did like the sound of that.  
He said if I didn't change my clothes, I 'd look to vulnerable.  

I went inside the public toilet and got changed into some Adidas jogging bottoms and a Adidas jacket with a plain white t-shirt underneath.  
Then I slipped on my Adidas trainers. 
I shoved acid washed jeans in my Duffer backpack along with my converses, my jersey top and my leather jacket.  
I unlocked the toilet door, take a deep breath and I step outside.  
Did I just go into a public toilet??????? 
Eurrrgghh!! I never go into the public toilets no matter what!  
I guess I'm a changed person now.  
As I'm looking for Ginger, I spot him sitting there waiting for me.  
He sees me and pats the concrete seat in front of the water fountain. 
As I sit next to him, I shout where the hell is my freakin' stuff?  
He goes you need to chill your balls, it's right here.  
I had to finally admit it..

I look like a chav.

So I grabbed the blue plastic bag with the things that Katie kindly gave me and shoved that too in my Duffer backpack..
I pulled out my 'hype' beanie and wore that as ears started to get cold.  
Yeah, I dressed like a boy although I'm girl but now I was a chav.  

I had to, to fit in..  

Anyways, Ginger gave me an ultimatum..  

'Go home now. Or live life rough. If you choose to live life rough, you're life is over the minute you agree to this question I will ask you.. Now Jess who do you want to be? Jess? Ace?  
Do you want to live life rough?

I stumbled.
He was like this is your Mom, she will always love you no matter what, think of all these memories.
I was trying so hard to remember when was the last time my Mom gave me a kiss or a cuddle..

I shouted ''I don't care, Ginger! I want to live life on the streets!''
He knew I was angry..
He was saying I could trust him and he would look after me and to see him as an big brother.
I did, but come on what could he do?
I shared my problems and I said to him about Dad, Steve and Mom. Oh and that brothel place.
He said to me that he was sorry because he made me think of this horrible situation again.
He said to me he will definitely take care of me..
After I got a good night sleep as the time was 11.42pm.
We went back to the alley and he placed my sleeping bag and he gave me his duvet although I had my own, however he insisted as the weather was cold.
I felt really bad as he had nothing above him to keep him warm.
I tried to give my duvet at LEAST.
Again he never took it.
Before I knew it we both dozed off as it was a loooooooooooong day.
So I woke up and looked at the time and it was 3.57am
Ginger was cramped and I touched his hand and it was very cold and literally frozen.
His knees were crunched up and his arms and hands were hunting for some warmth.
I had three duvets! THREEEEEEE! So I pushed two over to Ginger and as I put it above Ginger's body, he allowed himself to stretch and relax a little bit.

10.02. Was the time were I woke up and didn't want to disturb Ginger. 
Ginger was like let's go to the cafe and grab some tea to talk things over. 
We arrived at the cafe. I bought a tea and some donuts for myself and a tea and a croissant for Ginger. 
The tea's and donut was 50 pence each and the croissant was 69 pence leaving me with a total of £12.54.
We sipped our tea's. 
Ginger was discussing about school with me. 
''Jessica what about school? They have a law on going to school. YOUR education.''
I said to him ''Who's Jessica? My name's Ace.''
He chuckled. 
I just carried on sipping my tea and taking a bite out of my white and pink sprinkled donut with pink icing.  
Finally he stopped laughing and he was like seriously with the straightest face ever. 
Then I said to him.. ''Seriously? I was being serious. Who the hell was Jessica?''

As we got off the subject of school, Ginger said he had business to sort. 
He had £3.46 from when he begged of the streets recently. 
I sneakily shoved £2 in his pocket without him knowing. After all he did look after me. 
As he got on the train, he told me to go to the city centre - the busiest time of all and beg. 
Because I was a kid, I would get more money as more people with feel sorry for me. 

So it's now 2.37pm and I was sat there and 5 minutes in, I had made an extra £19.21!!!
Oh shit. 
My world was turned upside down as I seen her. 

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