Chapter 3 - Regret.

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Pheeewww! I thought he seen me, he kept looking at my direction.
I swear we made eye contact.
So, the guards had gone.. I had to make a QUICK exit.
But where? Grrr!

As I crept out, there was this reception kind of place and that's where everyone was.
So I hid in the toilet - it was out of order and it smells..
I swear someone had diarrhoea - basically it was baaaaad.
Again, I was listening from the door.
Steve was like ''If you don't find her, I will kill you.. ''
''If she goes to the police, we're dead. ''
The guards say in sync '' Yes Boss''

WHAAAAAAAAT! His ''boss''??
Paranoid. I was freakin' paranoid right now!!
So he had an affair all that time with Mom?
The guards went out to search for me.
The girl. I hear the girl.. Sobbing.
I open the door, finally not a creaky, dodgy door!

My breath went weird. 
Oh shit, I got asthma and when I get nervous or scared.. I struggle to breathe.
I collapsed. My body physically couldn't take it anymore. 
My back was just sliding against the toilet door. 
As I slid, I ws grabbing my chest and as I was slowly running out of breath.
I knew this was it. 
What do I freakin' do? 

Before I knew it, I blacked out. 
My eyes shut down. 
My back dropped and the door swung open.
The guards found me and knew it was me who Steve was looking for. 
Oh shit!
As I hear the guards speech fade out.. I knew I was fully out.
System down.

Wake up and see Steve at the hospital?!
Did I just imagine that in my dreams, sorry nightmare?
No, it couldn't have 'cause I just woke up at the hospital.
Steve was apologizing, he.. he was crying?
He looked so cute.
WhatTheHell was I thinking?
I couldn't forgive him.. He tried to rape me.
He lied to Dad, he wasn't his best mate.. he was his worst enemy.
I guess, ''Keep your friends closer and your enemies closer..'' in this case.
Mom is.. 
I didn't know until..

My mind went blank.
I can't get over the fact that Steve is crying.
Am I about to do the wrong thing?
Steve.. S-S-Steve is like Phil Mitchell from Eastenders, he acts like a big, hard man. If you see him in the streets, you would avoid him and cross the road 'cause you would think stereo-typically and think he would hurt you.
Until about 6 hours ago..

Would I do something that I would regret later? 
If something like this happened to someone close to you, you would strongly believe that they should get punished for it and tell someone. 
But when it happens to you.. WHAT DO I FREAKIN' DO?!

Mom. Where is Mom? I demanded to see Mom. 
The Nurse couldn't find Mom. 
The Nurse's name was Katie. 
Katie called home. 
No answer. 
Katie called Mom's phone. 
No answer. 
Katie called the neighbours to go and have a look if anyones at home after Katie explained I was in hospital. 
No one opened to door. 
I remembered my phone's at home. 
No answer. 
Steve was just crying and crying. 
His head was in his hands. 
My heart was pounding. 
Steve was just apologizing like maaad. 
I nearly started crying myself 'cause he was the male role model in my life until Dad died. 
So he was like my Dad. 

In a blur of a moment, I called out ''Dad..''
Steve rose his head out of the bubble shape he made with his hands. 
His eyes was red, 'cause he was rubbing them. 
He looked at me shocked. He couldn't believe what I just said. 
Then I just let out a little smile. :)
Steve just burst out laughing in joy. 
I let out a little chuckle. 
He came and hugged me. 
My blood boiled as he touched my body. 
The hairs on the back of my neck literally stood right up. 
A shiver was passed right through my body. 
I zoned out completely. 
My face went pale blue. 

Katie knew something was wrong as soon as I shut my eyes. 
Meanwhile, Steve was still there laughing not knowing what just happened. 
Katie was alerted and immediately told Steve to move out the was and let the other doctors know they were needed. 
Steve was shouting ''No, no, no. This can't be happening, she's my..''
BAM! In that second, I couldn't control my body, I felt paralyzed. 

Again I woke up luckily. 
3 hours I was out stone cold. 
I asked for Mom again. 
Still no answer. 
Where was she? 
What happened when I was in hospital? 
Steve was by my side all that time. - Holding my hand. 
I woke up and his there praying for me. 
Steve? Praying? Like hell no. 
I couldn't believe my eyes. 
He was praying to God for me. 
Steve never prays. 

Was Steve really sorry?
But that slutty place all called him 'Boss.'
What if he owns that place??
What do I do?
My heart was saying to forgive him and warn him if he tries it again then tell someone.
But my head was saying not to forgive him 'cause of what he did to Mom, Dad and myself.
What shall I do?
Katie had left the room to give me&Steve sometime to think and speak.
Steve was still apologizing. He kept saying if what I said was true.
I felt like my mouth was locked and I couldn't speak and my mouth was muted. 
I just nodded yes whilst looking down. 
His eyes lit up. 
I looked at him thinking if I made the right choice. 
I looked around to see if there were any CCTV cameras around. 
So if he did anything they could see it. And if his changed and sticks with what his saying. 
There was none. 
I had to man up and grow some balls and I just said it. 
I asked him ''Steve, why did the guards call you Boss. ''
His head dropped. He was just saying that he doesn't own the place but his mate wants him to check the place now and there. ''
I replied ''So why did you have sex with that slut and say to me I'll show you? You just cheated on Mom. '' 
As soon as I mentioned Mom and tear escaped from eye..
He just kept crying. I said he was sorry and he will never do anything like that ever again. 

Should I let him off the hook? 
But I can't! What he did was unbelievable!
But he was crying so I got up and hugged him. 
He looked like he regretted what he did. 
However still got a load of questions to ask him. 
His stubble cheek rubbed against my cheek. 
His tears touched my face.
I wrapped my arms around him. 
He wrapped his arms around me and held me tightly. 
He kissed  my cheek. 
I got this rush, an adrenaline rush. 
My heart was pumping. 
Steve didn't mean it, the kiss in the rape way but as a sorry kiss. 

There was Mom. 
Stood at the door. 
Droopy eyes, flat hair, make-up pouring down her face, torn clothes with blood on it. 

What was she going to do? 
''Mom, it's okaay. I sorted it out with Steve.'' I said to Mom.
She said she wanted a word with Steve. 
They got outside and they were talking. 
Mom was relieved when I said that - 'cause Steve was looking. 
Her face dropped when he looked away and mouthed ''I'm sorry baby.'' 
She was scared. I could see it in her eyes. 

They were still talking and Mom showed Steve something. He smiled and hugged her. 

Mom was..  

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Kidnapped. (ZaynMalik&SelenaGomez FanFic.)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz