Chapter 11:Chandrarani

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''Yes, baba?!'' was all I could utter from my lips as, I was enchanted by this strange man's presence before my very eyes. He drew out a conch from his pouch and handed it to me. Instead of questioning of  why do I need it?, I stood rooted to the ground and gazed over his intriguing eyes that gave me a soulful and peaceful feeling with all my hatred and anger vanquishing being unable to reprise from any atom of my body.

Then, he drew a ring out of his right hand from his third finger and, gave it to me.  I took the ring and examined it closely, studying the intriguing features and the unique structure of it. It was shaped in the form of, us snakes , it had glowing green emeralds as its eyes and a hue of gold. I stroked my fingers against the ring to feel the texture surprisingly, it had a scaly but hard texture. 

Suddenly, the strange man's voice drew my attention from the peculiar ring to, him. ''Beti, this ring is for you stay in your human form no matter of what state the moon's energy causes you to do. Most importantly, it helps you to resist to the charms of the been instrument. The deadly weapon used to lure snakes in any given state!'' He said calmly.

I quickly stepped of my entranced state and asked me ''How do you know, I am a Naagin?''. For that, he worked up a mysterious smile that placed me back in the state of trance. ''Beti, I know many that one cannot fathom one's fate and place it either as one of the mysterious ways of universe or the act of god.'' 

I, was confused by what he said yet, I chose to believe he might be an aghori the man of Shiva. Their ascetic life fits perfectly as, I did notice that his bare chest was smeared with sacred ashes. I, clasped my hands together and bowed to him, as we nagins believe that aghoris were the froms of Shiva, however of asceticsm as these men had given up their materialistic life to purse the spritual and divine side of life, assimilating into shaivism. 

''The conch was drawn from the waters of Ganges itself, venerated to Maa Shakti, Vishnu and Shiva himself ages ago before the start of Kali yug (Period of evil and vices), it will help in your quest as your mere pure heart that now demands for blood of evil, cannot withstand dark forces that rises from the hearts of whom you seek, this will help you vanquish dark supernatural forces that plagues the earth, in the form of black magic!''

I calmly nodded and understood what he meant as this battle does not stop merely, by the sinking of fangs but, even more than wits is required as evil's most prefered form is of black magic.

I, gazed up from the conch on my left palm to look at the sight of the Aghori, but all I saw was a silhouette of a man disappearing amidst, the fog that just appeared out of nowhere.

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