Chapter 9:Chandrani

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As our eyes locked, so did a feeling of familiarity in my mind. Swiftly, my memory bank withdrew the part of my dream section retrieving the man who appeared in my dreams.

I, wanted to stagger however, I resisted the urge. Soon, after our eyes parted ways I immediately composed myself and, trying to recall why am I in the palace the first place.

Shanti and, the woman whom my memory could distinctively remember as a cold blooded murderer who had played foul in the deaths of my parents and someone who was dear to me.

She had aged but, her wicked smile had not been tampered with for ages, it remained ingenuine, laced with a dash of greed and, cunningness.

However, Shanti wasn't someone who resembled her, she was a woman of quiet demeanour and, embracing everyone with genuinely love filled eyes.

Sheila, sparked the conversation requesting me to perform on her nephew's birthday putting, on a special performance entailing the beauty of this village.

After, negotiating the salary terms and, bidding goodbye did my mind started concocting a plan to exact my revenge.

But, strangely I could feel a pair if eyes watching me but, not something that made me shiver in fear but, embrace me with love and, concern.

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