Chapter 4 (Chandrani)

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"Who are you?" I asked him but he didn't replied instead he, just embraced me saying "I love you" in a deep, husky whisper.

I could not react to his confession multiple times ever since, I started seeing him in my dreams.

Either, I was stunned by his muscular. physique that defined his jaw line, his firm chest that was disfigured by a scar within his heart. The dark brown eyes that was laced with kohl, and skin that was fair as a Swan.

Or, the words that flowed out of his flawless lips.

His earthy eyes changed into the horrendous colour of blood luring me into his soul.

I took a step back as I realised he was merging with the rising sun, I let the Egyptian warrior slip out of my hands.

I soon awoke, to the same rising sun that now seemed so distant.

I clasped my hands together and tilted my head towards the ceiling, thinking of Lord Shiva. "Dear Lord what are you trying to tell me?", "Is this is my destiny? "," No, I can never think of marrying when, I need to extinguish the flames of revenge with the blood of those killers who, killed my parents mercilessly!".

I rose from my bed with a promise to revenge them without a single drop of mercy in my grief-stricken heart!

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