Isn't revenge sweet? Chapter 1(Aditya)

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The mirror not only reflected my prominent features of my masculinity but, the deeply embedded scars hidden within one's heart. A cold, grim look eclipsed the reflection of my face as my mind recollected an event that happened years ago, in this very house that I experience sleepless nights till today.

As the water from the shower hit me so, did the pangs of hatred, guilt, sadness and revenge hit my heart. The terrible recollection of my loving parents who were claimed by the flames of foul play.

The lie that the very god that they venerated with pujas with daily had claimed their lives with a snakebite!

But, I knew the perpetrators of these cold blooded murders. I knew them very well as this souless devils roamed my very house.

As I exited the shower, a sweet smile was spread across my face as I greeted the woman who had a hand in the murders of, my parents as Mausi(Aunt).

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